Tag: Facebook

Mobile advertising future looks fresh at Facebook

The social network has now unveiled some new immersive components to its marketing strategy.

Chris Cox, the chief product officer at Facebook, spoke at the Cannes Lions ad festival and provided a great deal of insight into the future of how mobile advertising will appear on the social network.

Cox explained to advertising execs that he has heard their requests and is basing Facebook’s strategy on those needs.

While on stage, he made it clear that he had been paying attention to what the mobile advertising firms wanted when it came to the tools and features that were available to them. He explained that Facebook social media marketing is now headed toward a direction that will provide more creative tools that will allow for more immersive ads. He explained that this would arrive in the form of an entirely new mobile format. The purpose will be to provide marketers with capabilities for developing rich media that will seamlessly combine with the videos that users are enjoying to an increasing degree within their news feeds.

This way, mobile advertising on Facebook will become interactive to a degree that it never has been, before.

Mobile Advertising - FacebookThe concept, which was demonstrated on a Michael Kors watch, behind this new type of social media marketing is that video will be combined with still images, information, and animated images. In this way, the ads will be different and more interactive for smartphone, tablet, and smartwatch users. The user can manipulate the mobile ad in order to obtain the experience that he or she wants. For instance to turn the watch around, to zoom in to see a closer view, or to obtain more details, all that is needed is a swipe across the screen.

Cox also pointed out that Facebook has been focusing on a way to ensure that load times are shortened, as well. It has been developing a new format that is meant to fit snugly into two massive trends that have already been pushing Facebook’s growth forward over the last year and, hopefully, into the future. Those two trends are video and mobile advertising.

Pinterest enters the mobile commerce space

Pinterest is moving forward with its buyable pins feature

Pinterest is one of the latest social companies to become involved in the mobile commerce space. The company recently announced its buyable pins, a feature through which users can purchase products that they see on the social site. Pins, or pictures, will serve as a way to expose users to new products, giving them an opportunity to purchase what they see on their mobile devices through the Pinterest application.

Company will be working with Stripe to make mobile purchases possible over its platform

The social media company will be working with Stripe in order to handle the mobile payments made through its new feature. The idea behind the new feature is to make purchases on a mobile device quick and convenient for users. Buyable pins will show on all featured content on Pinterest, including search and recommendations. For example, if users see a picture of a jacket, they would also be provided with a link to purchase this jacket, with purchases being handled through the Pinterest platform. Users will also be able to compare products and prices.

Social commerce is becoming a focus for companies that want to engage mobile consumers more effectively

Mobile Commerce - Pinterest AppMobile commerce has become an important focus for many social media companies. These companies have taken note of the rise of mobile technology and the role that smartphones and tablets are playing in the daily lives of consumers. These companies are beginning to expand upon a concept called social commerce, which involves the purchasing of products over social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. These networks have already launched their own purchasing features, providing Pinterest with competition.

Social commerce can be very beneficial for retailers

Social commerce is growing quickly and consumers have become more interested in purchasing products online with their mobile devices. Social networks represent a powerful way for retailers to gain exposure for their products and these networks can provide retailers with access to a very active and enthusiastic user base that has become interested in mobile commerce.