Tag: mobile commerce trends

Mobile shopping takes off with shift in retail habits

This, according to the results of a recent study that was conducted by Synchrony Financial.

Consumer financial services firm, Synchrony Financial has released the results of its 2015 Digital Study that underscores the importance of mobile shopping strategies for retailers that want to boost their customer experience and engage their shoppers.

The survey was held throughout March and April of this year, with the participation of 7,000 of the firm’s customers.

The customers were selected at random from throughout the country. The purpose was to build a better understanding of the way in which customers view mobile shopping in the retail experience, and what they expect from the offerings over their smartphones and tablets. There were a number of key findings that identified some important trends to retailers that will be keeping a focus on the tech expectations of consumers.

Among the primary findings of the study was that nearly 50 percent of respondents use mobile shopping.

Survey - Mobile ShoppingNearly one third of the survey participants will purchase a product after having seen it on social media. Moreover, it was also pointed out that about the same number of respondents to the survey said that the receipt of offers via text would push them to make an incremental shopping visit. Additional value offers, such as loyalty programs, free shipping, and personalized offers also proved to continue to be important to the people who completed this survey.

The report indicated that consumers are using mobile technology to an increasing degree. Adoption of m-commerce has been rising among central segments of the population. Of all of the study’s respondents, 45 percent said that at some point this year, they had already used a smartphone or tablet in order to complete a task that is related to shopping, such as reading or leaving reviews, researching a product, brand or store, sharing information over social media, or actually making a purchase. This represented an increase of 4 percent over the figure from 2014. When compared to 2013, it represented an increase of 9 percent.

As mobile shopping habits continue to be an increasingly important trend among all mobile devices and all age groups of shoppers, the report showed that retail habits are also continuing to change.

Moms with young children are important m-commerce shoppers

Much of the future of smartphone based shopping may be designed to cater to this demographic.

The growing number of highly convenient options that are available through m-commerce are starting to become exceptionally appealing to moms, particularly those with very young children and who are struggling to keep up with a hectic schedule.

Retailers that are especially focused on that demographic are starting to make changes to appeal to them.

Among those retailers is Diapers.com. They are currently changing the way that they do business in order to cater to the new m-commerce environment that has become highly popular among their top demographic – moms with babies and toddlers. These retailers are discovering that moms have their smartphones with them no matter where they are and those devices are becoming their go-to option to investigate products, find pictures of rashes to try to identify what is on their baby’s skin, or watching videos to help them to get a cloth diaper technique down-pat.

They are texting pictures to proud grandparents and are using m-commerce to do their shopping.

m-commerce shoppers - momsThis has led not only to the convenience of being able to order whatever products they discover that they need, whenever they need it, but research has also shown that when they are overtired, they are also making some rather interesting impulse purchases.

According to the Diapers.com senior vice president of marketing and business development, Michal Geller, “Moms send us stories all the time of nursing her baby at 3 a.m., realizing she’s almost out of diapers or some other essential, placing an order with us through our app, and having the package show up at her door later that day.” Geller added that “Same-day delivery is a game-changer for busy moms,” which is supported by research that has indicated that the diaper market, all on its own, will reach $52 billion worldwide over the next two years.

Though the majority of consumers enjoy taking on mobile shopping at a slower, gradual pace, moms have already established themselves as a considerable demographic that are using this channel on a regular basis to research their purchases, and often to make them, as well.

TechCrunch numbers suggested that m-commerce made up only 1 percent of the complete retail market space in the United States, last year. That said, about half of all Diapers.com purchases were made from smartphones or tablets. That, according to Geller, represents a spike of 25 percent over 2013.