Tag: emarketer

Mobile payments is growing slowly among consumers

Unfamiliarity with payment platforms is slowing the adoption of mobile commerce

Wakefield Research has released a new survey that it has conducted on behalf of Verifone. The survey is focused on the mobile payments space, which has been experiencing a period of aggressive growth over the past year. Many people have shown interest in mobile payments, but the survey suggests that the actual adoption of new payment services is somewhat slow. People appear to be unfamiliar with these payment services, which place them somewhat outside the realm of mobile commerce.

50% of consumers report that they are unfamiliar with mobile payment services

According to the survey, some 50% of consumers polled noted that were unfamiliar with mobile payments. Many claimed that they did not know about services like Apple Pay or how these services work. Mobile wallets were a relatively unheard of platform among these consumers as well, suggesting that their familiarity with other payment services was quite low. Those that were aware of mobile payment services, however, noted that Google Wallet was their preferred platform.

Lack of mobile payment support among retailers is slowing adoption

Mobile Payments- Slow among consumersThe survey also shows that those that are interested in mobile payments are still restricted in actually making transactions from their mobile devices. While there are many opportunities to shop and pay for products online from a mobile device, making mobile payments in physical stores is relatively rare. Many retailers lack the point-of-sale terminals they need to accept mobile transactions, which limits the capabilities of mobile consumers.

Consumers may become more involved in the mobile commerce space in the coming years

A recent survey conducted by Lightspeed Research suggests that unfamiliarity with mobile payments may diminish over the coming years. The survey noted that 42% of people made a mobile transaction at some point in 2014, up from the 17% of people that did so in 2012. A report from eMarketer suggests that 25% of smartphone users will make a mobile payment by 2018. As consumers become more familiar with payment platforms, they are likely to begin participating in mobile commerce more frequently.

Mobile commerce is helping India’s digital world thrive

E-commerce in India is growing quickly, and mobile consumers are adding more momentum to this growth

India’s e-commerce market is booming, and the mobile Internet may be the reasons. According to a new report from eMarketer, 47% of India’s population became smartphone users in 2014. More than half of the country is expected to be mobile by the end of this year. As more consumers gain access to mobile devices, they are beginning to use their smartphones and tablets to shop online for products that they are interested in. As such, mobile commerce has begun to aid the growth of the e-commerce market.

Country’s e-commerce market is expected to hit $7.7 billion by the end of 2015, powered by mobile commerce

With the aid of mobile shoppers, India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach $7.7 billion this year, a 45% increase over 2014. This does not include travel spending, however, which has been growing quickly among mobile consumers. Expanding the country’s mobile Internet capabilities have made it easier for consumers to engage in mobile commerce and shop online with their mobile devices. The convenient nature of mobile commerce has also proven quite attractive to consumers.

Traditional retailers are engaging mobile consumers with augmented reality

Mobile Commerce - Flag of IndiaThe mobile space is not the only thing driving growth in India’s e-commerce market. Traditional brick-and-mortar stores are also driving people to the Internet to purchase products. Many retailers have begun to use augmented reality for their marketing campaigns, which has proven to be quite engaging for consumers. These campaigns offer consumers special deals if they shop online and help raise awareness of stores that are near their location.

India is becoming an attractive mobile commerce market for the retail sector

India is quickly establishing itself as one of the most active and attractive mobile commerce markets in the world. Several payment firms have begun to bring their mobile platforms to the country in order to take advantage of market growth. Several retailers have become more mobile-centric as well, working to engage mobile consumers in a more effective manner than they had in the past.