Tag: thanksgiving

Mobile commerce sites slow to a crawl during holiday shopping


Mobile Commerce Slow Mobile Shopping SitesMobile commerce may be a problem for site traffic

Mobile commerce had a strong showing over the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend. Mobile sales this year set a new standard for much of the retail industry and proved how powerful mobile commerce can really be. Retailers are expected to show more enthusiasm in mobile commerce due to the gains they saw during the holiday shopping weekend, but they may also have to fine tune their mobile shopping initiatives to account for higher levels of traffic.

Keynote shows average load time exceeds 18 seconds

Though a vast multitude of consumers took to their mobile devices to shop for the products they wanted, many saw mobile commerce platforms slow to a crawl. Keynote, a site monitoring and testing companies, notes that many e-commerce and mobile platforms experiences a dramatic slow down over the holiday shopping weekend. This slow down was especially pronounced on Cyber Monday, with consumers flocked to retail sites to buy products. According to Keynote, the average load time for a mobile retail site on Cyber Monday reached 18 seconds — twice as slow as normal load times.

Consumers not apt to wait during holiday shopping

While 18 seconds may not seem like a significant amount of time, many consumers correlate slow load times with poor service. Though retailers have been investing heavily in mobile commerce, much of the effort these companies have been putting into the sector revolves around engaging consumers. As such, relatively few retailers were prepared for the massive amount of traffic they would experience on their mobile sites. Retailers may have to rethinkĀ  their approach to mobile commerce if they want to continue engaging mobile consumers.

Retailers may need to take new approach to their mobile sites

Mobile commerce is growing quickly, putting major strain on mobile websites that are designed to serve consumers. Keynote suggests that there may be a simple solution. Retailers must develop better mobile websites and adopt more rigorous testing procedures to ensure that their sites can handle high levels of traffic. Without adequate testing, a slow-loading website could be enough to have consumers looking elsewhere for service.

IgnitionOne report highlights growth for advertisers


IgnitionOne documents the positive impact Thanksgiving shopping has had for advertisers

IgnitionOne, a leading provider of digiIgnitionOne Mobile Commerce Growthtal marketing solutions, has released a new report documenting the positive impact the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend has had for advertisers. The firm suggests that from Black Friday to Cyber Monday, advertisers saw major growth in online searches, as well as other advertising fronts. The report shows that the holiday shopping weekend was a major success for more than just the retail industry and its endeavors in mobile commerce.

Spend and impressions on the rise

According to the report, advertisers saw search spend and impressions jump by 29% during the Thanksgiving shopping weekend over the levels they had been in the same period of 2011. Consumers also proved to be more responsive to the advertisements coming from marketers, accounting for a 23% increase in revenue. IgnitionOne suggests that the positive results marks a promising trend for the fourth quarter of 2012. The firm expects that the momentum gained by such a positive shopping weekend will carry on throughout the remainder of the quarter.

Paid search for smart phones and tablets continues to grow

Search advertising spending continues to grow, according to IgnitionOne, especially where mobile and tablet advertisements are concerned. More consumers are becoming reliant on their mobile devices, creating a promising opportunity for advertisers that are looking to engage consumers in a more dynamic way. The IgnitionOne report shows that paid search spend on smart phones has grown by 307% in the first half of the fourth quarter, with paid search spend for tablets up 231%.

Mobile technology continues to open new channels for advertisers

The report from IgnitionOne is the latest in a quarterly series that reviews the trends that exist in the online advertising space. The advent of mobile technology is expected to continue having a major impact on the way advertisers engage consumers, especially as more of these consumers turn to online channels to get what they want.