Tag: mobile transactions

Mobile payments aren’t being used all that often

Even among users of these smartphone based wallets, the services aren’t used for most purchases.

Although mobile payments, as a whole, have started to attract the interest of some consumers, they are not providing the true adoption rates that would be required to call this transaction method an actual mainstream success.

Mobile wallets are being used by only 16 percent of device owners.

Moreover, even among those who actually use them, only very few are using them all that often, says a Yankee Group report that has recently been published. It stated that over the three months before the report, only 16 percent of smartphone owners actually used those devices for making a purchase in store.

The report showed that despite this, two thirds of consumers are actually interested in mobile payments.

The report was titled “U.S. Mobile Wallet Roundup: Gauging the Future Potential of Today’s Solutions”. It explained that while there is widespread interest in these wallets, that is not translating into actual adoption, quite yet. That report also assigned PayPal the top spot within this particular space, as 15 percent of consumers had use the company’s app within the previous month for making a purchase in-store.Mobile Payments Not Used Often

Within the report, a Yankee Group analyst named Jordan McKee pointed out that every day seems to produce another level of growth when it comes to mobile wallets. However, the actual success in that area is not quite as defined as the hype, itself. McKee added that despite the fact that there have been massive investments throughout this environment, which have been worth billions of dollars, the actual uptake and use of this technology has been far less than “illustrious”.

Among those who are actually using mobile payments, 73 percent are doing so less than five times per month. This indicates that this type of transaction still has a long way to go before it is the top choice among even those consumers who are actually using it – which are clearly in the minority. It is the opinion of the report that this will not see a drastic “change anytime soon”, though they do feel that there is great potential over time due to the massive consumer interest.

Mobile payments trends study shows increase in usage

The research, conducted by E-Complish, showed that there was a considerable 215 percent rise.

According to the recently released results of research from E-Complish, some of the most important mobile payments trends that have been observed include a major rise in the number of inquiries and transactions.

The firm went over the data that was available regarding the use of this technology over the last two years.

What E-Complish determined in their mobile payments trends study as that there has been an incrase of 215 percent in the use of this technology in 2013 when compared to the usage that was recorded in 2012. The company also noted that they had seen more than 30,000 transactions and that they had recorded processing over $4,500,000 by that date. Comparatively, in 2012, they had seen only 10,000 transactions and their total processing figure was only $1,500,000.

The company has stated that they have every reason to believe that these mobile payments trends will continue.

Mobile Payments UsageThey feel that as consumers are coming to depend on their smartphones for a growing number of daily tasks, including for business purposes and for their banking, they will become increasingly willing and interested in using those same devices to pay for their purchases of products and services. Moreover, a growing number of companies have also started to integrate this form of transaction into those that they offer as the technology works more smoothly into their business models through its simplicity and accessibility.

The E-Complish results showed that customers are using smartphone friendly systems for a wide variety of different purposes, ranging from shopping apps, to personal finance apps, or even the option to pay for services through text messages.

Stephen Price, who founded the company in 1998, has had a careful watch over the mobile payments trends regarding implementation and processing among a range of different types of businesses. He pointed out that efficiency is the primary goal of the company when it comes to the use of the technology. He added that this tech fits into a “diverse range of business models. They’re easily adaptable, and this data proves their versatility.”