Author: BWild

Netflix app to be outfitted with data saver feature

The company has confirmed that the Android version of the application will save a user’s bandwidth.

Users of the Netflix app on Android devices who live in developing nations or who are starting to run short on what’s left of their data plan for the month will be pleased with a new feature that is headed their way and that is meant to make sure the streaming service doesn’t present as much of a drain on their data.

Due to the bandwidth required to stream the Netflix content, many people see it as a WiFi only experience.

In response to this and to make sure customers will be able to use the Netflix app regardless of where they are and how much data is left on their plans, data saver mode is being packed into the application. This will help to place a check on the amount of data that is consumed and can allow the user to choose the quality of the video they’d like to see. When this feature becomes available, it will be possible to reduce the amount of data used by dropping the quality down to a level that is quite blurry but still viewable.

The Netflix app will also reduce the amount of data it uses while it runs in the background.

Netflix AppNetflix announced the addition of the data saver mode, which has already been introduced to some of the Android apps, on its official blog. It confirmed that it is working on testing that feature as well as several others and that they will be rolling out in a more widespread way very soon.

This is one of several efforts the company is making in order to cater to a growing number of consumers who are watching video over mobile networks. The company is exploring various ways to make sure consumers can keep control over the experience they receive through Netflix, regardless of the device they’re using.

The goal is to make it possible for users of the Netflix app to maintain more control over their data usage while they do stream over mobile networks, so that they can stream a larger amount of video even when they have a smaller data plan, or they can choose to boost their video quality if they are subscribing to a more substantial data plan. The company has set a goal of May 2016 for the release of these new features.

Retailers take unique mobile marketing tack to engage consumers

Companies from Bloomingdale’s to Lowe’s are going in odd directions to try to grab the attention of younger shoppers.

Being able to attract the attention of shoppers in the Millennial generation and then actually engage them can be exceptionally challenging, forcing retailers to use mobile marketing in some rather strange ways in order to stand out.

These companies are discovering that smartphone ads aren’t necessarily about a message or a look.

Instead, mobile marketing success is all about relevance. Retailers have tried virtually everything in order to share a popular message or create an amazing look in their mobile ads. However, it’s not until they truly answer the question “what’s in it for me, personally?” that they appeal to the younger shopping generation. Shoppers need a solid reason to pay attention to a message and then to interact with it. Often, the most effective way to do this is through positivity and even humor.

All too frequently, mobile marketing comes across as something forced and constructed deliberately for popularity.

Retail Mobile MarketingWhen an advertising effort is too transparent as an effort to become something viral, the outcome feels awkward to the viewer and becomes ineffective. However, occasionally, it all comes together and the result can be highly effective. That is the moment that retailers would do just about anything to achieve; to be able to reach those young shoppers and successfully encourage them to act on the call to action.

Two retailers who have been using mobile advertising to reach out to the Millennial generation include Bloomingdales and Lowe’s. The way in which they have been engaging their target markets are extremely unique and very different from each other, while being highly effective.

Lowe’s is seeking to become the top resource for first-time home and apartment owners and came up with a campaign featuring some typical types of commercials, but what made it stand out is that each commercial was recorded in the same way while coming to a different ending. To complete the story, viewers must check it out at Bloomingdales, on the other hand has fashion in mind and has come up with the Bloomoticon series of 64 emoticon-like images as their mobile marketing. Shoppers can then use those tiny images in order to send out social messages.