Tag: twitter

Twitter tries to give itself a social media marketing boost with heart

The “favorites” that had previously been represented by a star icon are now heart shaped “likes”

Twitter has been undergoing a number of changes – some larger than other – in order to boost its social media marketing and user growth that has been waning over the last while, and its latest effort has been a cosmetic one.

The little yellow star that was once meant for favorites has been changed into a little red heart for likes.

According to Twitter, itself, the reason it made the change was that the star icon was potentially leading to confusion among its users. However, the heart icon is more universally recognized around the globe as indicative of something that you like or love. However, this change has not necessarily been generating a tremendous number of heart shaped responses from the actual users of this network and it is unclear as to what impact it will have on social media marketing on that platform.

The hope is that tweeting and social media marketing will occur with less confusion using hearts and likes.

Many people have been complaining that it wasn’t the star but the change that has been the most confusing. The reason is that they felt the star was unique to Twitter and that users were able to figure out what it was for and when to use it. However, the heart is found all over other social media platforms and is used for different purposes. For example, it is an emoticon/emoji in Facebook and Instagram. By changing to the heart, some users have complained that Twitter is reducing its uniqueness.

Twitter, as a whole, can be rather intimidating for a brand new user. The entire concept often feels mysterious to a person who is only just beginning. However, it usually doesn’t take long to figure out and it is hardly something that requires vast tech degrees, say users who have tweeted their frustration about the change. That said, they pointed out that among all the features in Twitter and its social media marketing that can be considered the most confusing, the little star for “favorites” was hardly the greatest offender.

Mobile commerce expected to see growth over the holidays

The mobile space is growing as retailers change how they engage consumers

The holiday season may be a major opportunity for companies involved in mobile commerce, especially social media companies that are working with retailers. A recent report from eMarketer predicts that retail sales in the United States will grow year-over-year by 5.6% this year. Mobile commerce is expected to play a significant role in this growth, with mobile sales growing 32% year-over-year by the end of 2015. Many consumers are expected to use their mobile devices to get their holiday shopping done this year.

Better smartphones are improving the mobile shopping experience

According to the report, an estimated 25% of all e-commerce transactions are expected to be made through a smartphone in the United States. Consumers are beginning to rely more heavily on these devices, as they represent a more convenient way to shop. Advances in smartphone technology and design have further increased their attractiveness to mobile shoppers. Larger screens have made it easier for consumers to browse digital stores and purchase products. An enjoyable mobile shopping experience makes it more likely that consumers will continue to participate in mobile commerce.

Social commerce is growing quickly

As mobile shopping continues to experience healthy growth, social networks are beginning to play a larger role in the mobile space. These companies have been involved in the mobile world for several years, but have only just begun to participate in mobile commerce. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are indulging in a new concept called social commerce, which involves selling products online through social networking sites. Social commerce is becoming a strong tool for retailers, especially those that want to engage mobile consumers. Many consumers favor using their mobile devices to visit social media sites, which has created new opportunities for retailers.

Consumers see mobile commerce as more convenient than visiting physical stores

Mobile commerce is expected to see significant growth over the holiday season. As in previous years, consumers are expected to use their mobile devices to get their shopping done and avoid large crowds at physical retail stores. The convenient nature of mobile commerce has proven to be quite attractive to consumers and more retailers are focusing more heavily on the mobile space.

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