Tag: taiwan

Mobile gaming to become a stronger focus of Chinese developers

Mobile Gaming ChinaCharge for mobile gaming being lead by Taiwan

China is beginning to see a boost in mobile gaming, much of which is coming from Taiwan. In Taiwan, game developers are beginning to focus more on mobile platforms, largely due to their popularity among consumers. This popularity has lead to a spike in demand for mobile gaming application, which many consumers partake in for the sake of entertainment. Game developers are expected to ramp up their efforts to connect with these consumers in the coming year.

Developers look forward to a better year

Mobile gaming represents a major global market, which has been exceedingly lucrative for developers able to engage mobile consumers. 2012 saw a major increase in the launch of mobile games, with many finding their ways to tablet devices. Much of this success was seen outside of China, however, as native game developers kept their focus on more traditional platforms. In Taiwan, developers are looking to put the sluggish performance of 2012 behind them by focusing more on mobile platforms.

Taiwan developers begin to set sights on mobile gaming

Among the companies that are looking to focus on mobile gaming in 2013 are InterServ International, China Gamer International, and Softstar Entertainment. Over the past several years, these development companies have experiences their fair share of setbacks. Declining sales and the poor performance of their games have lead the developers to look for new ways to appeal to consumers. With the demand for mobile gaming of the rise, these developers may be able to find some degree of success, if they can produce quality games.

Analysts predict that mobile gaming will become more popular with Chinese consumers

Analysts from the Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute note that mobile gaming is so popular because these games can be played anywhere and at any time. Consumers enjoy this aspect of mobile gaming because it allows them to control their entertainment experience. This convenience is one of the reasons mobile gaming has become such a popular pastime outside of China.

International Games System aims to take big steps in 2013

International Games System takes big stepsInternational Games System plans to take over Taiwan gaming and break into South Korea

International Games System, one of the largest game development firms in Taiwan, is looking to enter into the mobile gaming market of South Korea. The company has a strong interest in online gaming and has recently announced its partnership with Chunhwa Telecom, which will pave the way for the launch of a new online mobile game. Though International Games System is looking to break into the South Korean market, it will also be launching a number of mobile games in Taiwan as well.

Mobile gaming gains momentum

Mobile gaming is picking up steam, even as the industry itself is already inundated with products from a vast multitude of development companies. One of the reason mobile gaming has been gaining attraction is because of the widespread use of smart phones and tablets. The advent of these mobile devices opened a new avenue for the game industry, through which is could target a demographic that was interested in playing games wherever they may be at the time.

Developer aims to develop largest gaming platform in Taiwan

International Games System has plans to create the largest online gaming platform in Taiwan. Through this platform, it expects mobile game sales to more than double in 2013. Currently, the company’s most popular game, Salon Boss I, boasts of 300,000 users in Taiwan, Hong King and Macau. International Games System believes that it can expand its reach by creating an online gaming platform that acts as a hub for all of the company’s current and future titles.

Plans in place to enter South Korean gaming market

Breaking into the South Korean gaming market may be significantly more difficult task. International Games System will have to face down much larger companies than itself if it wants to be competitive in the market. Currently, the company is working on agreements with SK Telecom, KT Corp, and LG U+ that may help it establish a foothold in the South Korean gaming market.