Tag: nfc technology

Optus releases new accessories to promote mobile payments

Optus is entering into Australia’s mobile payments space in order to meet consumer demand

Several companies are fighting to enter into Australia’s mobile payments market, but they are finding it difficult to do so. Optus, one of the country’s largest telecommunications organizations, will be moving into the mobile payments space to fill the gap in services that exists in the market. The demand for such services has risen dramatically over the past few years, with consumers wanting to use their smartphones and tablets to purchase products online.

New accessories will give mobile devices NFC capabilities

Optus has launched a new range of accessories that can be used on its existing Cash by Optus platform. These accessories are equipped with NFC technology and will allow consumers to give their smartpones the ability to make mobile payments. Devices equipped with the accessories can be used to send and receive payments of $100 or less. Optus believes that the new accessories will enable more consumers to participate in mobile commerce.

NFC technology continues to play a major part on the mobile commerce sector

Mobile Payments - NFC TechnlogyNFC technology plays a major role in the mobile commerce space. This technology allows digital information to be sent over short distances, which is ideal for mobile transactions. The problem, however, is that consumers must have NFC-enabled mobile devices in order to make these transactions. In the past, such devices were quite rare, which slowed the adoption of mobile commerce. While NFC-enabled devices are now quite plentiful, many consumers still lack access to NFC technology, which is why the new accessories from Optus may become so useful to consumers.

Apple and Google will face significant competition when they manage to come to Australia

Apple is looking to enter into Australia’s mobile payments market, but the company has encountered resistance from some of the country’s largest banks. Google is finding less resistance, however, and intends to release its new mobile payments system in Australia at some point later this year. Both Apple and Google will have to compete with Optus, which is likely to establish a strong foothold in the mobile commerce market before other companies manage to break into the market.

Geolocation beacons, QR codes and NFC tags upgrade Bologna Airport

These types of mobile technology are all being implemented to help to add value to the experience for travelers.

The Balogna Airport has revealed that it will be using a range of different forms of mobile technology, including geolocation beacons, near field communication (NFC) tags, and even QR codes to help to enhance the experience of travelers who make their way through this location.

There are about 7 million passengers that make their way through the airport every year.

By using geolocation beacons with Bluetooth low-energy technology, and by combining that with NFC tags and quick response codes, the Balogna Airport is hoping to be able to reach as many travelers as possible, regardless of the model or make of their mobile phones. Using these various types of tech, it will become possible for the airport to send pro-active notifications to travelers such as promotions and alerts. These will be sent directly to the smartphones so travelers will be able to receive them when they are most relevant to their present locations.

For travelers to receive these geolocation technology based benefits, they must use the free BLQ Balogna app.

Airport - GeolocationThe purpose of the location based technology, the NFC tags and the QR codes is to make it possible for passengers to quickly and easily obtain the app and take advantage of everything the airport has to offer, no matter where they happen to be. The airport worked with Connecthings, a mobile tech company, in order to launch this project. The notifications sent to the app will be managed by airport staff who have access to a dedicated content management platform.

The airport’s IT & innovations manager, Silvia Lombardi, said that “Connecthings’ innovative solution will allow us to create new ways of interactions between our BLQ Bologna application and the dozens of installed, connected beacons within the airport – hence improving our customers’ dedicated information services.”

She added that these digital services give the airport the chance to engage with all visitors and travelers who find themselves there. It provides them with facilitated airport orientation so they will be able to use their favorite devices – which will automatically know where they are via geolocation – to find exactly what they need and learn about offers, opportunities and solutions of which they might not otherwise have been aware.