Tag: mobile transactions

Android Pay may be more than a mobile payments platform

Google has been taking a new approach to the mobile payments space

Google’s Android Pay may be much more than a mobile payments platform. Since the company announced Android Pay in June of this year, the platform has evolved rapidly, becoming much more than the payments service that Google may have originally intended it to be. In a recent interview, Pali Bhat, Director of Product Management for Android Pay, suggested that the mobile payments space is beginning to change, and Google may be the company to bring more innovation to the sector.

Android Pay is being designed to offer a seamless and secure experience for consumers

Android Pay may be more than a simple payments application, as it can be used to power a wide range of commerce and could be used to connect users with new commerce opportunities via other mobile applications. Google has been working to make the mobile payments space more secure overall, as well as ensuring that user experience is seamless with other apps and faster.

Android Pay may be quite different than other mobile payments platforms coming from competitors

mobile payments platform and beyondGoogle’s Bhat suggests that the company is taking a “fundamentally different approach” to the mobile payments space. Android Pay is, therefore, meant to exist as a part of the overall app experience that can be used alongside various platforms that existing in the overarching mobile payments ecosystem. One of the notably aspects of the platform is that the Android Pay app can be incorporated into other platforms that already exist, expanding its reach to consumers interested in mobile commerce.

Google has managed to reach milestones that its competitors have failed to reach

Google may have a bright future in the mobile payments arena, which has become quite competitive. The company recently announced that it will be entering the Australian market in early 2016, an accomplishment that has eluded its competitor Apple. The company also recently allowed Android Pay to be used for in-app purchases in the United States. Google expects to see Android Pay explode in popularity in 2016, especially as more consumers get involved in the mobile commerce space and look for inclusive solutions that can provide a seamless experience across multiple platforms.

New QuickPass mobile payments system launched

This initiative is a joint effort between UnionPay and its partners including more than 20 commercial banks.

UnionPay has now announced that it has launched QuickPass, a new mobile payments system, in Beijing, in a joint venture between it and more than twenty commercial banks.

The hope is that it will help to bring credibility, safety and convenience to the smartphone payments market.

The QuickPass mobile payments solution has now been rolled out and is available throughout the city wherever UnionPay cards are accepted. The system is also supposed to come with the same level of financial security and convenience that the firm’s technology has been known to provide. Using this mobile phone based payment transaction service is possible through a range of different technologies. These include Token, TSM, HCE and NFC technology. This latest version of the QuickPass system underscores convenience and security on every level. This is important as these are among the primary barriers to adoption that have been identified by consumers.

This mobile payments service is supported by any smartphone that has Android 4.4.2 or higher and NFC technology.

To use it, consumers are asked to download the QuickPass mobile app and to create an alternative to the traditional UnionPay bankcard, called the QuickPass card. Once this has been established, the smartphone can be used to make purchases at any POS terminal that features the QuickPass logo or when making purchases on the internet by way of the UnionPay Online Payment (UPOP). This system does not require any SMS verification.

QuickPass has been designed to stand out in an industry that is becoming increasingly swamped with different smartphone payment options – particularly when taking into consideration the adoption rate among consumers, which remains somewhat limited. In this case, the hope is to show that there are enough levels of security in place for consumers to feel comfortable enough to give it a try. Many people are resistant to using mobile wallets due to concerns over privacy and the safety of their financial data.

This mobile payments service is also supposed to be very convenient as it uses rapid contactless payment technology that doesn’t require internet access or opening an app. The device must simply be on and the display must be held close to the reader. From there, the payment is completed