Tag: mobile shopping

T-commerce may be the most important side of mobile shopping

Overall, the channel has shown growth of approximately 35 percent.

There have been two reports that have recently been published that have indicated that while mobile shopping is taking off, it is likely t-commerce that is having the largest impact in that area.

Smartphones and tablets are becoming an important channel for content consumption.

In this area, they are being used more often for activities such as social networking and viewing videos, but this also involves finding out information about products and comparison shopping. That said, as much as more people shop over mobile as a whole, it looks as though it is t-commerce that is headed toward taking over the channel, despite the fact that its penetration isn’t nearly as great.

Both the number of sales and the value of the purchases is greater over t-commerce than smartphones.

t-commerce mobile shoppingThe first study was from 41st Parameter, and its information shows that there has been an overall increase in mobile shopping from last year to this year. Comparatively, in the whole of ecommerce, there was an increase of 15 percent. Non-mobile online shopping still made up 80 percent of the total purchases, but the share that belonged to smartphones and tablets was still notable, considering that it has increased by 6 percent when compared to the same time last year.

Another study, this one by Adroit Digital, indicated that if given the choice, 55 percent of consumers would replace their desktop computers with a tablet. More than half (52 percent) of tablet owners use their devices for watching television, while another half (50 percent) report that they also used them for seeking out information. Equally, the general manager of the company, Scott German, reported that the popularity of these devices is not surprising.

What they found notable was the shift in behavior toward using the devices for t-commerce, and viewing content, in addition to researching purchases. German stated that “If brand marketers and advertisers don’t have a plan for tablet messaging, advertising, and commerce, they can risk their brand’s relevance.” This is particularly true as 56 percent of tablet users would rather use those devices to engage with ads than on their personal computers.

Holiday season is a great time of year for mobile payments

Braintree sees progress during the holiday season

Braintree, a mobile payments processor, has high hopes for the holiday season. The firm has already been seeing a great deal of activity come from mobile consumers who shopped online during the Thanksgiving holiday and notes that mobile commerce is becoming much more common than it was in the past. Braintree expects to see mobile payments play a much more significant role in the retail sector, especially during the holidays when mobile shopping is favored as a convenient alternative to traditional shopping.

Cyber Monday becomes Braintree’s most successful day ever

Cyber Monday, one of the most significant days of the year for consumer electronics, was Braintree’s most successful day ever in terms of payment processing. The company processed more than $16 million in mobile payments coming from the brands that make use of its services. Braintree suggests that the increase in mobile payments volume is likely due to a pent up demand among consumers who have wanted to use their mobile devices as a shopping tool for several years. These consumers have not been able to satisfy this demand until very recently.

eBay may establish a lead in mobile commerce through Braintree acquisition

holiday mobile paymentsBraintree has established a formidable presence in the mobile commerce space, which is one of the reasons eBay has pursued its acquisition so aggressively. The firm is set to close an $800 million acquisition deal with eBay in the coming weeks, which will give the online retailer access to Braintree’s clients as well as its mobile payments tools. After the acquisition, Braintree is expected to begin working with PayPal, which has also taken a strong stance in the mobile commerce sector.

Mobile commerce becomes more attractive to consumers

Consumers are becoming more comfortable with the concept of mobile commerce largely due to the convenience that it represents. During the holidays, traditional shopping can be a chaotic and stressful affair. Mobile shopping allows consumers to avoid crowds and reduce the stress associated with the holidays to some degree.