Tag: mobile shopping

Mobile commerce finds success in India

Retail environment of India is beginning to evolve

India’s retail climate is beginning to change. In the past, a common saying among consumers has been “can’t touch, won’t buy,” but the advent of mobile technology is beginning to change the way people feel about purchasing products. As Internet access becomes more common throughout the country, many Indian consumers are beginning to turn to e-commerce for everything they need. As more people get their hands of smartphones and tablets, they are beginning to purchase products using these devices, hence a growing focus in the retail sector on mobile commerce.India Mobile Commerce

E-commerce is experiencing strong growth as consumers become more mobile

India’s e-commerce business grew by 80% in 2013, according to Flipkart, one of the country’s leading e-commerce firms. The company notes that this is the most significant growth e-ecommerce has seen in the country in the past several years. The momentum behind e-commerce is expected to remain strong for the foreseeable future. Notably, many consumers are beginning to purchase products from online retailers with their mobile devices rather than with home computers.

Retailers are focusing more heavily on mobile commerce

Flipkart suggests that consumer mentality is beginning to shift at a rapid pace. People are beginning to feel that mobile commerce represents a more convenient form of shopping. Consumers are not making the move toward mobile shopping on their own of course, as retailers are also beginning to focus more heavily on the mobile crowd. India’s e-commerce market is currently valued at approximately $13 billion and retailers are beginning to see a great deal of potential in the mobile space when it comes to the future of e-commerce.

E-commerce market expected to hit $70 billion by 2020

The e-commerce market in India is expected to reach $70 billion by 2020 as more retailers begin focusing on mobile commerce. Consumers are quickly becoming convinced that mobile payments will have a major role to play in the future of their shopping. It may be some time before mobile becomes the most favored shopping platform in India, however, as many people are likely to remain supportive of traditional, physical stores.

Twitter may be ready for mobile commerce

Leaked documents suggest that Twitter is looking to establish itself in mobile shopping

Twitter may be preparing to jump into the mobile commerce game. According to leaked documents obtained by the UK Telegraph, the social network may soon make it possible for its 232 million users to purchase products directly from their mobile devices. The documents suggest that the service would be called Twitter Commerce, but there are not indications when this service would be made available for certain. Moreover, the leaked documents cannot necessarily be considered accurate and they could be nothing more than simple rumors.Twitter and Mobile Commerce

Documents imply that Twitter has partnered with Fancy

The leaked documents suggest that the social network’s mobile commerce endeavors will come to fruition through a partnership with Fancy, an e-commerce merchant. Fancy counts Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s founder, as one of its prominent investors and board members. While this does not indicate Twitter’s absolute interest in mobile shopping, it does help establish a solid connection between the social network and Fancy. The leaked documents show mock-ups concerning how Twitter users would purchase products directly from product tweets that include a button that says “buy with Fancy.”

Twitter retains a strong focus on the mobile sector

Twitter has a strong interest in the mobile sector, but not necessarily commerce. The social network has done little in the way of directly supporting mobile payments and shopping, but Twitter has been working on ways to monetize its mobile interests. Facebook recently discovered the benefits of mobile commerce and how to integrate mobile shopping into its network and Twitter may soon follow suit. Indeed, this may be the beginning of a new trend in social media, wherein social networks begin to play a bigger role in the commerce space.

Mobile competition is already fierce

While Twitter may show an interest in mobile commerce, it will have to find a way to compete with organizations that already have a strong presence in that sector. The commerce space is awash with competition from various small firms and some large companies, including Google. Apple is rumored to be looking to enter into the mobile commerce space as well, which will add further competition to the crowded field.