Tag: mobile commerce app

Mobile commerce app from Aeropostale steps it up

Mobile Commerce iPhone appA new marketing promotion has been released and is geared toward smartphone carrying teens.

Aeropostale, an apparel retailer geared toward teen shoppers is working to overhaul its mobile commerce channel in order to boost the business it is achieving directly with the consumer.

The retailer has identified this channel as vital to its target market, which uses these devices heavily.

The adolescent consumer market is one that has experienced massive penetration of smartphones, tablets, and other similar devices. This makes mobile commerce potentially very important to retailers that have teens as their primary shoppers.

Aeropostale has been offering a mobile commerce experience since June 2010, but has recognized the need for change.

The company has now made alterations to the mobile commerce app for iPhones, with the goal of making it more interactive and convenient to use. The company has revealed its hopes that these efforts will start to shift purchasing away from physical stores and into the online environment through these devices.

Aeropostale is not alone in this effort to gear shopping toward a more mobile commerce experience than one that is in-store. Other retailers who target smartphone using demographics have also been introducing and updating apps through which product research and purchases can be made.

This particular apparel retailer has seen some successes along this line. When its mobile commerce website was first launched in 2010, for example, purchases made over that channel made up only 2 percent of its total web sales. However, by March of 2013, this had grown to 13 percent of total online sales. At the same time, 36 percent of the traffic to the merchant’s website has been reported to come from smartphones and tablets.

It is in the pursuit of this level of growth that this company, and others like it, have continued to grow their mobile commerce efforts and try to apply more creative and appealing strategies that will encourage consumers to choose them over the competition. It has now come to the point that marketing experts are cautioning businesses that have not yet stepped into this channel, that they could begin to lose their competitiveness, as they will no longer be offering the type of experience that consumers will expect from them.

New mobile commerce trial launched in the UK

Marks & Spencer Mobile CommerceM&S launched pilot project focused on mobile commerce

British retailer Marks & Spencer (M&S) has taken interest in the concept of mobile payments. The retailer is gearing to launch a new pilot program in order to make mobile payments possible among its consumer base. The program is centered around a mobile application that will facilitate transactions made from a consumer’s smartphone. This program is primarily focused on the retailer’s line of coffee shops and will enable customers to take advantage of a new form of commerce that they too have been growing increasingly interested in.

Retailers begin responding to demands from consumers

Mobile commerce is becoming more common throughout the United Kingdom’s retail sector. Retailers throughout the country are beginning to see mobile commerce as a very lucrative and favorable venture, especially as more consumers rely more heavily on their mobile devices. Many of these consumers have begun to show strong favor for mobile commerce because of the convenience it represents, while others are attracted to it because of its novelty. Many retailers expect that mobile commerce will eventually become the most prolific form of commerce in the world.

M&S Digital Lab and Paddle develop new mobile commerce application

M&S has set its sights on mobile commerce in order to address customer experience. In February, the retailer launched its Digital Lab division, which is focused on using and developing technology to make the shopping experience more enjoyable for customers. The M&S Digital Lab had help building its mobile commerce application from Paddle, a technology start-up based in London.

Retail industry looking to establish a future in mobile payments

Mobile commerce was once rare in the retail industry, with many retailers showing concern for the security of mobile payments. As consumers became more comfortable with shopping for and purchasing products on their mobile devices, retailers began to grow more accepting of the concept. Now mobile commerce is on the verge of sparking a revolution in the way people pay for what they are interested in, and the retail industry is keen to not be left out of this growing trend.