Tag: google adwords

Mobile marketing is about to get a flashier image boost in Google search

The search giant will be replacing its text-only ads with those featuring images, which will likely come with a cost.

Google is going to be changing the way that mobile marketing looks on the device screens of searchers, as it will be changing its text-only search ads in order to include more visually appealing images.

Many have predicted that this feature will likely come with an added price tag for advertisers.

According to the Google AdWords product management director, Bhanu Narasimhan, “Text ads are informative, but there’s not much emotion there.” That said, with the new mobile marketing ads available in the search results, it will make it possible for device users to flip through photos that will feature a product or service. This way, they can see more before they move on to the next step of seeking more product information or even making a purchase or book a reservation – which will be possible directly from the search screen.

This will represent a major step forward from the traditional mobile marketing text ads that blend into the search results.

The hope is to take a major step away from the text ads that can seem to sink right into the background, in order to replace them with a mobile advertising experience that stands out a great deal more with visually appealing features.

That said, brands that would prefer not to shell out the additional money for the mobile ads will still be able to use the conventional text-only option. These will still also include the click to call option that has already been available through Google’s mobile search, but now in the case of the ads with the images, it will help to encourage consumers to actually act on what they see, instead of having their eyes skim right over it.

This service is lightly to help to boost the overall mobile marketing spending that is already experiencing a considerable rate of growth. For example, eMarketer has predicted that this year in the United States, alone, there will be $12.85 billion spent on search ads over smartphones and tablets. That amount will represent a higher amount of spending growth than that of desktop ads.

Google mobile AdWords get a boost in latest update

As the search engine giant places a growing focus on smartphone and tablet based users, it has also concentrated on mobile marketing.

Now that mobilegeddon is upon us and Google has placed a far more concentrated focus on searches conducted over smartphones and tablets, it has now updated its algorithms to give a boost to mobile AdWords, as well.

This shift in AdWords focus has been made in order to align with the current trends in the marketplace.

Google has now spotted tremendous opportunity in mobile AdWords as marketers are making an increasing attempt to be able to connect with people by way of mobile marketing techniques. The goal is to make contact with people throughout various different vital points along the route to making a purchase. This helps to explain why the latest innovations in AdWords have had a great deal to do with being able to score that moment by way of automation and to be able to measure each one.

Google made a live streamed presentation with regards to the changes that have been made for mobile AdWords.

The live stream was hosted by the vice president of product management at AdWords, Jack Dischler. There, he explained to an audience of an estimated 20,000 people, that mobile technology is always at the very top of the marketing mind. He described the way that ads can help to win over consumers at those vital moments along the path to purchase, through a process of contacting them at the right time, in the right way, through automation that will allow it to happen at scale, and then to be able to generate usable metrics about that moment for continual improvement of the experience.

He stated that “Consumers, particularly on mobile devices, now have higher expectations than ever before — they want everything right, and they want everything right away.” Dischler also added that this helps to explain Google’s investment into mobile marketing and search, as it is driven by the expectations of the consumer “for immediacy and relevance in the moment.”

Google has developed three new mobile AdWords experiences for some of the industries that are currently considered to be the hottest: hotels, mortgages, and auto.

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