Tag: Apple Pay

Will 2016 be the year mobile payments finally take hold?

Industry experts in the retail sphere are predicting that the technology will start heating up next year.

With the close of 2015, there have been a number of predictions as to what will be taking off in 2016 and which trends will continue on their way, and many experts have been saying that they see mobile payments as something that will make an important splash before another year comes to a close.

The prediction is that mobile wallets will take off not only in retail stores but also other locations like restaurants.

Although there have been experts who have been predicting that mobile payments would be taking off for several years, the forecasts for 2016 are larger than ever before. With the introduction of chip credit cards, many people are saying that Samsung Pay, Android Pay and Apple Pay are going to be seen as more convenient and will start to become a normal form of transaction at retail counters and in restaurants. This will be an important shift as consumers have been quite resistant to stepping away from their plastic cards. According to CEB analyst, Andy Schmidt, 2016 could be the year in which that begins to change in a meaningful way.

The migration to chip cards could be just the opportunity that mobile payments need to make themselves known.

Mobile Payments - Will 2016 b the YearBanks, credit card issuers and retailers have all been changing their plastic card technology to include chips and many technology experts believe this slowdown at the checkout counter will have consumers looking to other types of transaction to speed up the process. While chip cards are considered to be safer than the magnetic stripes, it takes several seconds longer for each transaction to be completed. With the combination of the change in habits and the slower process, it could be what consumers need to look to the various smartphone-based options to speed things up again.

For this reason, it is expected that many companies are all going to do their part to stand out in the mobile wallet marketplace. There are already a large number of options, including major players such as Samsung, Apple, Google and even a recent entry by Walmart. Target has also announced that it’s working on its own option, while keeping its position as an important member of the anticipated MCX mobile payments app, as well. The belief seems to be that retailers – individually and as parts of consortiums – will be offering and receiving smartphone based transactions in the largest numbers yet throughout 2016.

Google and Apple to improve their mobile payments platforms

Google aims to make changes to its mobile payments products

Google is expected to reveal plans to reform its mobile payments products at its annual developer conference this year. The company has been involved in mobile payments for some time, having launched Google Wallet in 2011. The Wallet was meant to serve as a way for consumers to pay for products online and in physical stores while also storing digital information from retailers and financial information. The product proved relatively unpopular, however, which lead Google to develop Android Pay.

Android Pay and Google Wallet will receive new features in the near future

Android Pay is expected to be the subject of reforms coming from Google. One of the changes the company is reportedly interested in making will allow merchants to accept credit card payments from within their mobile application, while also integrating support for loyalty programs. Google also intends to make further changes to its Wallet platform, reintroducing peer-to-peer payment options that will allow consumers to send money to one another directly through their bank accounts.

Apple also intends to make enhancements to its mobile payments platform

Google Wallet Mobile Payments CommerceGoogle is the not the only company planning to make changes to its mobile payments products, of course. Apple has also announced that it will be unveiling enhancements to Apple Pay. The company has been working to promote its mobile payments service quite aggressively, intending to bring the platform to other markets throughout the world. The enhancements to Apple Pay, which include support for loyalty programs coming from retailers, may make the platform more attractive to consumers, many of whom are becoming more interested in mobile payments as a whole.

Improved platforms will provide Google and Apple a competitive edge

Both Google and Apple are competing in the mobile payments field, which has become flooded with a wide array of platforms that have won the favor of consumers. These companies see great potential in this sector, especially due to the mobile activity being seen in countries like China. Improving their mobile payments platforms may give them the edge they need to establish footholds in these markets.