Tag: Apple Pay

Apple’s mobile payments platform gains support in Canada

Elavon announces support for mobile payments service from Apple

Elavon, a provider of payment technology in Canada, has announced that it has become one of the first payment processing companies to support Apple Pay for Canadian businesses. This means that Apple Pay will now be able to be used at existing EMV point of sale terminals in Canada. Apple launched its new mobile payments service in Canada late last year, but has yet to find any significant support among consumers. This is similar to what apple is experiencing in the U.S., where mobile payments have yet to become mainstream.

Support may provide Apple with the momentum it needs to find success in Canada

Backed by Elavon, Apple’s mobile payments service may gain the ability to reach more consumers. This may be a boon for retailers using Elavon terminals, as this will allow them to connect with consumers that are becoming increasingly mobile-centric. These consumers are beginning to use their mobile devices to get their shopping done as they see mobile payments as more convenient. Mobile payments are still relatively uncommon in Canada, but consumers are showing a great deal of interest in services that allow them to use their mobile devices as digital wallets.

Apple Pay security features may make consumers feel safer about mobile payments

Canada Mobile Payments - AppleOne of the reasons that consumers in Canada, as well as elsewhere, are somewhat weary of mobile payments has to do with security concerns. In the past, consumers have fallen prey to malicious groups that sought to exploit their financial information, which was acquired through compromised payment systems. Apple Pay, however, has won praise for its security features, particularly its use of biometric technology.

Apple may face competition from other companies that are involved in the mobile payments space

Mobile payments services are likely to gain more momentum in Canada as new services become more available. Apple is likely to experience some competition in Canada, as there are already mobile payments services available in the country. The company may be able to overcome this competition, however, by leveraging the security of its service.

Apple’s mobile payments platform to launch in Asia in 2016

Apple Pay will expand in early 2016, giving more consumers access to mobile payments

Apple Pay is set to expand to prominent markets in Asia. The mobile payments service has managed to find modest success in the United States, but it has yet to become a mainstream service that consumers favor over other alternatives. Apple believes that the service will find significant success in Asian markets due to the growing number of people relying on their mobile devices to shop for and purchase the products that they are interested in.

Apple Pay to come to China, Hong Kong, and Singapore

Apple is preparing to launch its new mobile payments service in China, Hong Kong, and Singapore next year. The company is also expected to bring Apple Pay to Spain at some point in 2016, tapping into the growing mobile payments market in Europe. Notably, China and Hong Kong may be where Apple Pay finds the most success, but also the most competition. Mobile payments have been popular in Hong Kong for several years, with many companies having already established a major foothold that will make it difficult for Apple to find any traction. This is also true in China, where massive companies like Alibaba and Tencent have become involved in the mobile payments space.

Competition is strong in the Asian mobile payments space

Mobile Payments - Apple Pay in AsiaWhile Apple Pay will be coming to new markets, Apple has been experiencing some pushback from financial institutions in several markets. Banks, in particular, are unsure of the value of Apple Pay, largely due to the other payment services that exist. Some of these banks have their own mobile payments platforms and see Apple Pay as something that will have only moderate appeal to consumers.

More retailers are beginning to support mobile payments

China is currently the leading mobile payments market, with many companies offering some degree of mobile commerce support. As smartphone penetration increases in the country, more consumers are beginning to rely on their devices to shop for products online. As a result, retailers are beginning to show more favor for mobile payments services, which allow them to better connect with consumers.