New report highlights the growth of mobile commerce since 2012

A new report from 41st Parameter, a global fraud prevention firm, shows that mobile commerce is experienced significant growth since 2012. The firm notes that more consumers are becoming attracted to mobile shopping due to its convenience. Shopping from a mobile device requires no waiting in lines and most online retailers do not suffer from any significant shortcomings when it comes to inventory. Moreover, mobile shopping is considered more convenient during the holiday season due to the chaotic nature of traditional shopping during this time of year.

35% increase in mobile shopping since beginning of 2013

According to the report, mobile commerce has grown by 35% since the beginning of the year, with e-commerce of all kinds growing by 15% over the same period. Approximately 8% of mobile sales were made through a smartphone, with 13% coming from tablet devices. The report notes that consumers appear to favor tablets over smartphones when it comes to mobile shopping by a significant margin.

Tablets are taking over mobile shopping

Tablets may be favored over smartphones because they offer a more enjoyable shopping experience. The larger screens are easier for consumers to manipulate, making navigating mobile retail sites more convenient. Tablets tend to offer a shopping experience that is quite similar to that provided by PCs and laptops, which may create some sense of familiarity for those that participate in e-commerce on a regular basis.

Consumers likely to replace their PCs with tablets

A similar report from Adroit Digital shows that 55% of consumers are likely to replace their PCs with tablets when it comes to mobile commerce. The benefit of tablets is that they can be used in-store, whereas a PC is a stationary device. Tablets can, therefore, easily be used by consumers to compare products and find deals being offered in a physical store or by a retailer located nearby.