
Mobile apps are changing the dating game

While the internet has already greatly changed the way that people meet, smartphones have taken that to a new level.

When it comes to the dating scene in the United States, smartphones and mobile apps are starting to play an increasingly important role, as these applications help to make the process convenient in busy lifestyles.Mobile Apps - Dating

The primary feature that these applications seem to have to offer consumers is convenience.

While they don’t appear to be any more successful – so far – than any other types of online dating services, the fact that they are convenient appears to be making them highly appealing to consumers is that they can be quickly and easily accessed over a mobile device instead of having to use a website on a computer.

These mobile apps don’t yet seem to have all of the details hammered out quite yet.

While consumers don’t seem to be completely satisfied with the experience, quite yet, the number of users of these applications is rapidly increasing. This is likely due to the effect of word of mouth, and the increasing reliance that many people have on their mobile devices for their day to day activities. Moreover, these apps can give people the chance to discover new people in real time, based on their actual location.

Daters can use apps to post their pictures and view those of other people who are located nearby. If they happen to spot someone they find attractive, they can swipe the picture and indicate that they are interested. If the owner of the picture reciprocates the swipe, the app allows them to contact each other so that they can arrange to meet.

Data from the Pew Research Center has shown that approximately 3 percent of Americans have tried the online dating experience with traditional websites. Aaron Smith, from that organization, pointed out that when it comes to dating apps, those who are using them are typically “quite young, primarily people in their mid-20s or 30s” and very tied to their smartphones.”

These mobile apps have now been around for a while and offer a broad range of different features and opportunities, including integration with social media.

Voicekey to develop new mobile commerce platform in the UK

Voicekey wins contract from UK government concerning development of new m-commerce platform

Mobile Commerce - Contract AwardedVoicekey, a developer of biometric security solutions, has been awarded a commercial contract from the United Kingdom’s Technology Strategy Board. The contract represents the second phase of a mobile commerce initiative in the United Kingdom. During the first phase, Voicekey was able to introduce new technologies and security features to the mobile space. The second phase will focus on the development of a market-ready mobile commerce solution that will be easily accessible to consumers as well as secure.

UK consumers are becoming more interested in comprehensive m-commerce services and platforms

Consumers throughout the United Kingdom have become very interested in the concept of mobile payments and purchasing products from merchants using only their mobile devices. Many consumers have encountered troubling problems with the mobile commerce platforms that they use on a regular basis, however. Lackluster security has put consumer’s financial information at risk of exploitation and poorly designed platforms have created an unfavorable experience for many people. The demand for easy to use, well developed, and secure platforms has been on the rise.

Merchants and consumers are somewhat reluctant to engage in the mobile commerce space

Voicekey aims to address that merchants and consumers have when it comes to mobile commerce. For consumers, accessibility has become a serious issue. Many platforms make use of NFC technology, but few people actually have the NFC-enabled mobile devices needed to use these platforms. For merchants, security is a major issue. Merchants are also somewhat uncertain about the potential revenue growth they could see by engaging mobile consumers more aggressively.

Platform expected to be equipped with biometric security technology but will not be based on NFC technology

Voicekey is expected to develop a platform that will address many of these issues. The platform is likely to make use of the company’s biometric security technology, alleviating some of the security concerns that merchants and consumers have. The platform is also expected to be more accessible to consumers without NFC-enabled devices. The platform may use NFC to some extent, but it will not be entirely based upon the technology.