Mobile technology takes a step forward thanks to Motorola Solutions

Motorola mobile technologyMotorola Solutions aims to change mobile technology

Smart phones are very popular among consumers but have also become very prominent tools for the business sector. Professionals from various fields make use of smart phones of all kinds on a daily basis. Indeed, the world is becoming more acclimated to doing business in the mobile space, which is increasing the focus several companies have on the smart phones that are used in daily operations. As businesses become more reliant on mobile technology, the capabilities of even the most advanced smart phones are proving too limited, at least by the standards of Motorola Solutions.

Company introduces new handheld computer

Motorola Solutions believes that a new generation of mobile device is in order; one that can better meet the needs of the professionals that have come to rely on mobile technology. The company has unveiled its MC45 mobile computer. The MC45 is a rugged handheld device that is significantly more advanced than conventional smart phones and tablets. The device is designed for field workers, but could have several uses for those in other industries of business.

MC45 built to last

The device incorporates the strengths of a conventional computer with the mobility of a smart phone. Motorola Solutions suggests that it could be used by small and medium-sized businesses to keep track of sales and inventory while also conducting numerous other operations as directed by its user. The MC45 is designed to withstand strong impacts, making it resilient in harsh environments. The device also boasts of a three-year lifecycle, while most consumer smart phones are designed to last a year or less.

Motorola Solutions looking to spark a new generation of mobile technology

Mobile technology has become a very important part of the business world and Motorola Solutions is working to introduce a new generation of mobile devices that could better serve the changing needs of businesses. Whether the MC45 will be able to replace the popular Android and iOS platforms that businesses have come to adore has yet to be seen, but Motorola Solutions has high hopes that the device will be able to fare well in a niche market.

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