Tag: social media marketing trends

Social media marketing shift occurs as Twitter angles toward mobile

Social Media Marketing Twitter and MobileRecent research findings have shown that the usage of this network has greatly switched to smartphones.

The findings from a study on social media marketing and usage have just been released, showing that the use of Twitter is rapidly moving away from PCs and is heading toward smartphones and tablets, instead.

Mobile is rapidly becoming the most common place that Twitter is accessed and used.

The survey was conducted by ConsumerMetrix from Strategy Analytics and the results were published within their report, which was entitled “Social Network Profile: Who Uses Twitter?”. This research has provided some interesting information with regards to the direction that social media marketing is taking, as well as the trends regarding the type of device that is being used by consumers to use that platform.

This social media marketing trend could be defining for future campaigns using that network.

The social media marketing and usage study that produced this data was performed from March 2012 through October 2012. What it indicated was that the percentage of people who had been using laptop or desktop computers for tweeting dropped from 77 percent at the start to 64 percent at the end of that period.

It also indicated that the number of users who were tweeting over their smartphones increased from 53 percent at the start of the survey to 64 percent by the end. Equally, among tablet users, tweeting increased from 9 percent in March, to 18 percent in October.

As a whole, the data collected through the social media marketing research offered a clearer image of the proportion of Twitter users who were accessing the service by way of various forms of devices, and that the usage over mobile – be it smartphone or tablet – increased overall from 56 percent to 71 percent.

The Strategy Analytics vice president of digital consumer practice, David Mercer, said “The immediacy of Twitter communications requires devices which are close to hand at every waking moment.” He added that this, by definition, indicates that social media marketing and usage prefer smartphones and tablets. This information could be useful for the development of future efforts to reach and interact with consumers.

Social media marketing is primed to continue growth

Social Media Marketing GrowthA recent study has shown that the increased use of networks in India will soon cause the sector to take off.

Though social media marketing is already a tremendous affair in many parts of the world, it has yet to truly take off in India, where the network influence is still considered to be in its infancy.

A recent study has shown that the use of this communication is finally starting to take its first steps in that country.

That being said, it looks like Facebook is and will continue its dominance over social media marketing in the country. A recent report issued by the Internet and Mobile Association of India has revealed that among all users of social media in the country, 97 percent use Facebook. Moreover, the average frequency of use over mobile is every day of the week.

Though this isn’t surprising to many, social media marketing itself has yet to take off there.

These numbers may seem normal for many countries where Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others have already made themselves mainstream, but this is representing a considerable shift from previous years in India, says the founder of Brandologist, Saurabh Parmar, who is also a digital marketing professor.

At the same time, Parmar has questioned the accuracy of previous studies that have been performed regarding social media marketing and the use of the networks as a whole. In this most recent data from the Internet and Mobile Association of India, the data shows that there are 62 million users of social media as a whole in India. However, according to Facebook’s own data – not used in the study – there are 62 million Facebook users.

That would suggest that every single person who is using social media in India is also using Facebook, and it has called the accuracy of the study into doubt.

The study also placed Google+ as the second most popular place for consumers to be exposed to social media marketing. It said that approximately 35 percent of the number of network users are using that platform. However, Naga Chokkanathan pointed out that “If this is true, then this is a surprise. All along we were thinking that social media are dominated by people from big cities, and we have been targeting content, advertisements and offers for them.” Chokkanathan is a social media and customer experience management consultant.

All in all, what could be agreed upon is that there is a great deal of potential for social media marketing in India, and that the surface has only been scratched so far.