Tag: smart watch

Smartwatch from Omate is designed for specifically for women

The Lutetia model of the wearable technology has been engineered with a gender specific appearance and function.

The Omate Lutetia is a smartwatch that has taken a unique design strategy when compared to some of the large name rivals in this category such as Samsung and Apple, because the company has decided to come up with a gender specific function and form.

This particular model of wearable technology device was intentionally created with women in mind.

The smartwatch category is rapidly growing in the number of players, but the majority of those that have already been designed have placed themselves in a type of standard “unisex” category. That said, the appearance of these gadgets remains one of the primary complaints that have been made about them and has been blamed for some of the struggles in consumer adoption that have been faced within this category.

The Lutetia model of smartwatch is trying to break away from what it feels is an awkward standard design.

The Lutetia wearable technology design recognizes that the products currently on the market are “great for men, could be worn by a woman.” It is hoping to stand out by taking on a bold strategy that says that there is no need for an exclusively male focused approach to the design of these products. It has come up with the design for women, first, because that is the category that has had the least specific attention since the creation of the wearables category.

This new device has an elegant round interface, not entirely unlike the Moto 360 from Motorola. This mobile device is priced for pre-orders at $169, which is quite competitive within the category. It is expected to become available for delivery before the end of the year. The size of the watch face is 1.5 inches, which is a reasonable within this ecosystem, particularly for the feminine style. It makes the watch face smaller than that of the Moto 360.

The smartwatch from Omate may be designed, in this case, for women, but it has also stated that there will be another model released for men in the not too distant future.

Smartwatch can transform into phone

A new trendy watchphone has been developed by Ukrainian startup.

Smartwatches are quickly becoming a trend, but one of the problems with this unique style of device is that if a wearer wants to make a phone call, often they need to take out their phone to make a call, but .klatz is aiming to solve that issue with its watchphone device.

Some may find this wearable technology to be more convenient than current watches on the market.

The .klatz is not actually a watch in the traditional sense. Rather, it is stiff aluminum bracelet. It does not have a standard watch face and flexible strap. The main reason is when the cuff is unfastened it can be held to the ear and become a phone.

Due to the fact that the wearable is a stiff bracelet, this may be off putting for some people, particularly those who were not happy with other devices with stiff shapes like Nike+ Fuelband, for instance. However, the one aspect that is in the .klatz’s favor is that it is available in four sizes. Therefore, consumers should have an easier time finding the right device to fit their wrist.

The gadget is available in two colors: black and red.

Like other smartwatch designs the .klatz can be paired with a mobile phone.

Currently, the device can be paired with an Android smartphone or iPhone. The company also has future plans for it to be paired with Windows Phone.

In order to activate the watch, a user merely has to glance at the screen and the time will be shown on the 384 LEDs that form the display. Other than telling the time and being able to flip it open so it can be held to the ear to talk, the device can also receive message notifications, track the wearer’s activity and gives them the power to control their music.

While the device is not waterproof, only splash and dust proof, its battery is larger than many smartwatches. The company claims that its 600mAh power pack can last for up to 10 days of standby time when compared to other smartwatches, like Samsungs Gear 2’s 300mAH battery or Motorola Moto 360’s 320mAh battery. While it charges on a little stand designed for it, the .klatz turns into a desk or bedside clock.

Currently, the company is seeking $140,000 in crowdfunding for its smartwatch device on Indiegogo. The first of the .klatz gadgets are expected to be delivered in March 2015.