Tag: mobile shopping

Mobile commerce firm gains new clients

MoPowered continues to make progress in the mobile space

Mobile commerce firm MoPowered has announced that it has added 27 new clients in less than two months. The company now accounts for 127 clients and expects its revenue to grow by 33% over what it had been in 2013. According to the firm’s CEO, Dominic Keen, the market for mobile commerce has proven to be quite promising. The company plans to continue engaging mobile consumers aggressively in order to take advantage of positive market trends.

Firm raises $5 million to expand and improve its services for online retailers

MoPowered raised some $5 million in funding in December last year and has been connecting with retailers that are interested in mobile shopping and the mobile space in general. Consumers have become quite reliant on their mobile devices in recent years and many are using these devices to shop online and purchase products. It is becoming more common for consumers to purchase products in physical stores with their smartphones and tablets. Retailers currently appear to favor the online aspects of mobile commerce over its offline potential.

Mobile websites must provide a favorable experience if consumers are to participate in mobile shopping

Mobile Commere Firm gains new clientsMoPowered specializes in revitalizing websites and making them more accommodating to smartphones and tablets. Retail mobile sites are often lackluster and provide consumers with a poor shopping experience. Consumers with a poor shopping experience are unlikely to continue using a particular website or service. MoPowered helps ensure that consumers have a good experience with mobile shopping.

MoPowered expected to face strong competition from larger companies in the mobile commerce space

MoPowered has positioned itself to accelerate its acquisition of new clients in 2014. The funding that the company has raised, along with the patronage of new clients, has helped it expand and improve its mobile commerce platform. MoPowered will, of course, have to compete with a multitude of other companies that are trying to engage mobile consumers. Competition may be fierce, as several large organizations have taken a strong interest in the mobile space and plan to continue strengthening their presence therein throughout the coming year.

Report predicts promising year for mobile commerce platforms

Mobile commerce may find growth in 2014

Ovum, a leading market research firm, has released a new report concerning the potential growth of mobile commerce in 2014. Over the past few years, consumers and businesses alike have become quite serious when it comes to mobile shopping and payments in general. The past year has shown that retailers are becoming quite aggressive when it comes to engaging mobile consumers and consumers and becoming much more reliant on their smartphones and tablets than they were in the past. This has created a great deal of promise for 2014 in terms of mobile commerce.

Report highlights consumer support of platforms coming from banks

According to the firm’s report, consumers are becoming more likely to trust mobile commerce platforms that are associated with a financial institution. Banks and credit firms that release such platform tend to apply their own security standards to these services, thereby alleviating some o f the security concerns that consumers have regarding their financial information. According to Ovum, 43% of consumers prefer banks as their mobile payment service provider, with 13% favoring credit card companies.

2014 may be a big year for NFC technology

Mobile Commerce Platforms - Mobile ReportOvum’s report predicts that 2014 will be the year where NFC technology finally becomes mainstream. This technology has made up the backbone of many mobile commerce platforms, but has been losing popularity due to security concerns. NFC is quickly becoming a powerful marketing, entertainment, and data sharing tool, but Ovum suggests that its place in mobile commerce will begin to become more pronounced throughout the year as more NFC-enabled devices become available to consumers.

Bluetooth and location-based technologies may become more prominent in 2014

Apart from NFC, Bluetooth is expected to find its way to more mobile commerce platforms in the coming year. Many companies that have invested in the mobile commerce sector have opted to support Bluetooth as an alternative to NFC. Bluetooth has allowed more consumers to participate in mobile commerce because it is far more available to a wider range of mobile devices. Ovum’s report also suggests that location-based technologies will begin to play a much larger role in 2014 than they had in the past.