Tag: mobile commerce industry

Mobile commerce reaching tipping point around the world


Mobile commerce report highlights the growth of mobile commerce and banking

Mobile commerce has reachedmobile commerce growth around the world a proverbial tipping point, according to a new study from TNS Global, a leading market research firm. Over the past few years, mobile commerce has, indeed, become more popular with a wide range of consumers. This is largely due to the massive investments that have been made into the mobile commerce industry from large companies like Google and Visa. Despite some problems concerning security and accessibility, mobile commerce has managed to gain the favor of consumers around the world.

Mobile Life 2012 report shows consumers are highly interested in new forms of commerce

According to the study, which is titled “Mobile Life 2012,” approximately half of all mobile consumers throughout the world are interested in mobile banking services, with another 45% are interested in making mobile payments using their mobile devices. This interest spans throughout the global marketplace, with consumers from Asia, the Americas, Europe, and even Sub-Saharan Africa showing intense enthusiasm for mobile commerce and similar services.

Growing economies mean higher prevalence of mobile technology

In terms of mobile banking, interest largely comes from consumers in China, Sub-Saharan Africa, and developing parts of the Asian market. These markets represent significant expansion in regards to mobile technology. As the economies of the countries within these markets grow more robust, consumers are gaining access to mobile devices, as well as their associated services. The study suggests that growing interest in mobile banking services will lend hype to mobile commerce initiatives.

Consumers still not willing to abandon traditional banking and commerce systems

Mobile commerce and banking are becoming so popular due to t he convenience that is attributed to the two concepts. Having the ability to conduct business using nothing more than a smart phone or tablet is a very attractive prospect for many consumers. The study notes, however, that many of these consumers are not inclined to abandon traditional forms of banking and commerce just because they have access to the mobile variety.

Branding Brand gears for growth in mobile commerce and retail


Branding Brand sees a future where retailers have a stronger mobile presence

Branding Brand, an interactive markmobile commerce shoppingeting agency that specializes in building mobile shopping websites and applications have been making waves in the realm of mobile commerce. The company has developed mobile shopping sites for some of the largest retailers in the world, including Costco and Ralph Lauren. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, retailers may need to consider adopting a stance that is more friendly to mobile consumers and Branding Brad may be able to help in this endeavor.

Holiday season highlights potential in mobile commerce

The holiday season is an important time for retailers. Retailers often go to extremes to reach out to consumers during this time of year. With more consumers becoming dependent on their mobile devices, retailers are being pressured to find new ways to appeal to these consumers. Branding Brand has been seeing growing demand coming from retailers keen on reaching out to mobile consumers and the company is working on sustaining the growth it is beginning to see.

Branding Brand preparing for growth in demand from retailers

Recently, Branding Brand acquired Jeff Hennion, former marketing executive from General Nutrition Centers Inc. and Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. Hennion was assigned the position of president, which quickly garnered Branding Brand $7.5 million in its first outside investments. The company envisions the whole of the retail industry becoming more mobile and is poised to become a leading authority in helping companies establish a strong presence in terms of mobile and social commerce.

Mobile commerce continues to gain ground amongst consumers

Mobile commerce is gaining ground around the world. A recent survey from PriceGrabber.com suggests that approximately 16% of 2,500 consumers surveyed will purchase products online thisĀ  year, up from the 13% that did so in 2011. The growth of mobile commerce is backed by interest from consumers who are enthralled with the concept of paying for goods and services using only their smart phones or other mobile devices.