Tag: facebook marketing

Interest based mobile ads will be delivered by Facebook to non-users

The social media giant is broadening its Audience Network outside the reach of its platform.

Facebook has announced that it is expanding its Audience Network to make it possible to deliver interest based mobile ads to smartphone and tablet users who either aren’t members of its social media platform and to those who simply aren’t signed in.

The goal is to be able to further solidify Facebook’s position as the second biggest mobile advertising network.

According to the social network, it will be able to obtain enough usable data about non-Facebook users or users who aren’t logged in, through its own technology, to make it possible to generate relevant interest based mobile ads to serve to those individuals. Those mobile ads will be displayed to smartphone and tablet users via various apps and partner sites.

This is accomplished through the Facebook Audience Network (FAN), which was initially created in 2014 and makes it possible for mobile marketers to place targeted ads in Facebook’s signature style onto various mobile friendly partner sites and apps.

These interest based mobile ads will help to keep Facebook just behind Google in smartphone advertising.

According to Facebook, among all the impressions received on FAN, 80 percent of them are native. Within the mobile app ecosystem, Facebook has said that 6 percent of all time users have spent on mobile applications is on apps that are partners in the FAN. Back at the start of this year, the social network announced that Q4 2015 had a $1 billion annual revenue run rate. Comparatively, that same figure for Google Network was $4.14. Though Facebook still has less than a quarter of the Google mobile ad revenue, it is still the next closest to that top spot.

Among FAN’s strong points is that it is able to glean granular data from Facebook users, of which there are 1.6 million actively using the platform around the world. That said, it can now step beyond that specific group of people and may be able to strategically obtain data of the right quality in order to ensure that the targeting accuracy will remain high.

Recently, Andrew Bosworth, the Facebook vice president of ads and business platform explained the importance of interest based mobile ads. He said that “One of the things we’ve heard from people is that many of the ads they see are annoying, distracting or misleading. We think companies can do better, and that’s why we’ve been focused on improving ads both on and off Facebook.”

Mobile ad placements reach into more space with the Facebook Audience Network

The social network is currently testing out advertisements placed on mobile web pages for a considerable expansion.

The largest social network in the world is using its Facebook Audience Network (FAN) in order to test new mobile ad placements on smartphone friendly web pages according to recent reports issued by AdExchanger.

The initial reports of this new mobile marketing effort has said that the placements are being made with almost 10 publishers.

Prior to this recent mobile ad placement strategy, FAN had been used for placing advertisements in smartphone apps. In the last quarter of 2015, there was a reported $1 billion run rate achieved by FAN. Therefore, by adding mobile web pages on top of the placements that are already being added to apps, there could be a considerable opportunity for Facebook and advertisers, alike.

Among the firms to test out the new mobile ad placements is the social publisher called Diply.

That publisher is testing out the mobile marketing strategy in a closed beta test. This was confirmed officially by Facebook by way of the AdExchanter report. This latest step in mobile advertised is believed to be the most recent move that Facebook is taking in order to provide advertisers and marketers with an alternative to using AdSense through Google.

By heading in this direction, it means that Facebook’s FAN will gain access to a full new range of publishers that are looking for new opportunities in mobile marketing. This could potentially present a threat to the market share held by smartphone ad network operators that have already established themselves such as Apple, Google, and Millennial Media (owned by AOL).

FAN was first launched two years ago when Facebook acquired LiveRail. Last year, it was upgraded in order to be able to include native video, greatly changing the nature and scope of this advertising path.

As FAN starts to make its first mobile ad steps into the smartphone optimized web, it has also been speculated that Facebook could start to shake up the current situation in desktop media, as AdSense is currently very established there as the leader but where alternatives have been attempting to chip away at that vast advertising share.

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