Tag: christmas mobile commerce

UK mobile commerce is most busy on Christmas

Forget Black Friday because in the United Kingdom shoppers buy the most on Christmas Day.

Some fascinating festive shopping insight is coming from the United Kingdom, as data has shown that UK mobile commerce spikes higher on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. Criteo recently released the results of a recent study. The festive trends analysis showed Christmas itself was the top shopping day for smartphone users.

This study took into account the volume of shopping on all days throughout the holiday season.

This holiday shopping study included Black Friday. What Criteo found was that on Christmas Day, 62 percent of online purchases are made over smartphones. This effectively makes that holiday itself the busiest UK mobile commerce day. There have been a number of theories to explain this trend.

Primarily, researchers believe that mobile shoppers look around online to find sales on gifts they wanted but didn’t receive. If Santa didn’t bring it, they’re determined to find it for themselves. Moreover, as the brick-and-mortar shops are closed that day, their only option is to go online. Criteo reported that 53 percent of Christmas Day shoppers are looking for items for themselves over their smartphones.

UK mobile commerce has already been showing a heavier trend than in the United States.

Previous studies have indicated that people in the United Kingdom are more likely to complete a purchase over mobile commerce than their American counterparts. This only increases the tendency to use the device that is already in their hands in order to make a purchase. On the other side of the ocean, many Americans still prefer to use their laptops.

In the UK, only 28 percent of online shoppers are making their purchases over a desktop. That figure is quite different in the United States.

The Criteo study showed that while the largest day for sales volume is Black Friday (246%), Christmas Day leads in a different area. Two out of every three transactions completed online are done over smartphones. While the actual total number of purchases may not be as high on Christmas as it is on Black Friday, the percentage of UK mobile commerce purchases is notably higher that day when compared to desktop.

eCommerce Websites predicts spike in online sales

Online sales expected to jump as Christmas draws near, according to eCommerce Websites

Online sales are expected to see a significant jump in the days leading up to Christmas, according to research from eCommerce Websites, an e-commerce website development firm. The firm notes that it has been seeing a spike in the number of consumers that are using online mediums to purchase products. eCommerce Website draws on information from a recent PayPal study that shows that online sales throughout the world accounted for more than $1.2 trillion during 2012.

Consumers show interest in online shopping

eCommerce Websites suggests that businesses, both large and small, prepare to see higher online traffic as the holidays draw closer. While many consumers have finished their holiday shopping, taking advantage of the major deals that were offered by retailers during the Thanksgiving shopping weekend, many more tend to wait until the very last minute in order to purchase gifts for their loved ones. Online mediums are perfectly suited to meet the needs of these consumers by providing them a way to get through the last of their holiday shopping without having to compete with crowds.

E-commerce platforms must be bolstered to meet consumer demands

In order to better accommodate consumers, eCommerce Websites suggests that businesses bolster their e-commerce sites. During the Thanksgiving shopping weekend, many e-commerce sites from some of the world’s largest retailers experienced problems because of the massive level of traffic they experienced. This traffic caused slow-downs on several e-commerce platforms, leading to complaints from consumers who were keen on buying products that they were interested in. eCommerce Websites notes that having a capable e-commerce platform is necessary for businesses to take advantage of the growing number of mobile consumers.

Mobile commerce may see further growth during Christmas

The holiday season is still in full swing and that could be good news for mobile commerce. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday have all proven to be popular holidays for mobile commerce. Christmas is expected to see similar results, with a huge number of consumers expected to use their mobile devices to purchase gifts for themselves and for loved ones.

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