Tag: backup battery pack

Mogix portable battery charger scores high with reviewers

In a recent non-paid review from OSReviews this power bank stood out above the competition.

Popular YouTube video review channel OSReviews has placed its focus on the Mogix portable battery charger and has pointed out the many ways that this device was able to shine within its category.

Among the first things that was pointed out in the review was the powerful dual charging ports.

The reviewer demonstrated that not only does the Mogix portable battery charger make it possible to plug two different devices in at the same time, but that it also makes it possible to recharge a device at a rate that is even faster than plugging it in to the average wall socket. This is a very attractive feature in a backup power bank as it allows the device to be recharged as quickly as possible.

The small, light, and durable construction of the portable battery charger from Mogix was also spotlighted.

This 10400 mAh mobile power bank was also praised for its durable, sleek, and attractive construction and the fact that it is quite slim and light. The one downside to its glossy exterior was that it attracts fingerprints. Equally, those can be easily wiped away using virtually any kind of soft fabric cloth. The reviewer pointed out that it feels solid in the hand and has a consistent weight distribution, each of which revealed careful attention to quality.

The top corner of this mobile battery pack offers a button for an LED indicator that reveals how much battery power is left within the device. This is made up of four LED lights, each of which represents approximately 25 percent of the complete charge of the gadget.

All of the ports (the two USB outputs for recharging mobile devices and the micro USB input for charging up the battery pack, itself through a computer or a wall charger) are all available on the top. The reviewer pointed out that the device isn’t much wider than the USB ports, themselves, showing that this portable battery charger is very slim, despite the large amount of power that it holds, and can be easily carried in a pocket and is “easy to carry around”.

When the power bank was tested with two devices, it was determined that even when “simultaneously charging to products at once has no effect on the charging rate, the speed, or the temperature of the power bank.”

A spokesperson from Mogix, Angelia Linders was pleased to see the review and explained that “We are thrilled about our 5 Star customer satisfaction reports, scoring 95%, showing people are loving how dependable and easy our Slim Fit power banks really are.”  More information is also available through the Mogix YouTube Channel.

Mobile technology has completely altered the commuter experience

From comfort to convenience, smartphones have greatly improved the communication between transit and rider.

The majority of commuters using public transit have smartphones with them, and bus, subway, and train system authorities know this and are increasingly catering to mobile technology and the many cost effective opportunities that it provides.

Transit riders aren’t just using their cell phones to let people know about delays along their routes.

In fact, communication is only a small fraction of what mobile technology brings to today’s commuters. From mobile ticketing to WiFi enabled stations, many transit authorities have worked these devices into the actual use of their transportation services. Over the last few years, this has grown to the point of being commonplace, so that many commuters have come to expect and rely upon the mobile friendly services that make the experience more convenient.

Mobile technology has helped to remove some of the unnecessary inconveniences previously linked with public transit.

Mobile Technology - Public Transit - SubwayMobile ticketing has become a growing trend in public transit, for instance. One example, among many, is the mTicket app from the MBTW (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority), which made it possible for riders to be able to buy fare no matter where they are or what time it is. That app was first launched back in 2012, and many other transit authorities have offered their riders similar types of experience.

For those that have not yet implemented m-ticketing, mobile payments have become an option. This way, instead of purchasing a type of ticket over a smartphone, it is possible to pay for fare directly out of a debit or credit card account by way of different types of tech such as near field communication (NFC), or QR code scans.

Transit systems around the world are offering riders ways to know when their next bus or train will arrive, which can help to ease the struggle of waiting. From Antwerp to the United States, commuters can use apps or scan QR codes on bus stop signs to better understand the schedule in real time.  In fact, it has also recently been revealed that Apple Maps will be including transit information for large cities, in its upcoming update.

Even entertainment for passing the time throughout the journey has become a factor. While apps offer a great way to enjoy games, social media, and other amusing time-killers (particularly when the transit system offers free WiFi connectivity), some systems have also introduced digital libraries, where QR codes can be scanned on the walls of busses and trains in order to gain access to public domain ebooks.

Of course, the team at Mogix power banks has pointed out that this makes it even more important that commuters always keep their mobile technology batteries charged, as these riders depend on the gadgets for their transit fare, wallets, information, and entertainment every day.