Tag: amazon

Mobile commerce is thriving in India

Amazon India reports impressive results from the mobile space

Mobile commerce is expected to become a powerful force in India within the next few years. Amazon India sees high hopes for mobile shopping in the country, suggesting that the mobile space will contribute as much as 70% of the company’s total revenue. As more consumers throughout India gain access to mobile devices, they are beginning to use these devices to shop online. It is estimated that more people in India access the Internet from their mobile devices than their personal computers.

Smartphone penetration is leading to a growing population of mobile shoppers

Growing smartphone penetration has lead to more people looking into the concept of mobile commerce. These consumers have shown an interest in the convenience that mobile shopping represents and are flocking to sites like Amazon and eBay to shop online. Amazon India notes that 40% of its current online traffic comes from mobile consumers. This percentage is expected to grow as more people rely on their smartphones when shopping online.

Snapdeal also finds success in engaging the mobile space

amazon - India Mobile CommerceAmazon India is not the only company finding success in the mobile space. Snapdeal, one of India’s leading online retailers has also begun to focus on mobile commerce. Approximately 60% of Snapdeal’s orders are being made through mobile devices, according to the company. Within the next year, the company anticipates that 75% of its orders will come from mobile devices. Mobile shopping is expected to grow exponentially over the coming months due to the wide variety of mobile-centric services that retailers are beginning to offer.

Consumers are interested in shopping online with their mobile devices

Consumers have been showing enthusiasm for the idea of shopping online with a mobile device. The demand for in-store mobile payment support has also been on the rise, but retailers may be slower to embrace this idea than those that are based in the digital space. Retailers focusing on the mobile sector in India have managed to find significant success, and may opt to broaden their focus on mobile consumers in the future.

E-commerce is growing among small businesses

New report shows that small retailers are becoming more invested in the digital space

A growing number of small businesses are beginning to embrace mobile commerce in the United States. Throughout the years, small businesses have been relatively slow to embrace e-commerce on any kind, partly due to the costs involved in doing so. Over the past few years, however, many retail businesses have been finding more success by engaging consumers online, especially during the holiday season. A new report from Duda, a website-building group, small businesses are growing increasingly invested in the digital space.

Small businesses expect to see 25% of their holiday sales come from online shopping this year

The report found that many small businesses in the U.S. expect 25% of their holiday sales to come from online shopping this year. Approximately 14% expect to see more than half of their holiday revenue come from e-commerce. The report provides a new perspective on the e-commerce space. Many believe that consumers generally favor shopping on sites like Amazon and eBay when they are looking for products, but consumers have shown willingness to shop directly from sites built by retailers, especially when it comes to shopping from a mobile device.

Small businesses have been slow to embrace e-commerce

e-commerce - businessSmall businesses have been able to get by without having a significant online presence for years, but that may no longer be the case. Consumers are becoming more reliant on technology and many want to make use of online services that make shopping more convenient for them. This has lead to a surge in mobile commerce, as consumers have begun gravitating toward mobile-centric services. Social media is playing a role in the growth of e-commerce as well and small businesses may be able to capitalize on that trend.

Social commerce could help small retailers engage consumers more effectively

So called social commerce is becoming quite popular among consumers. This concept is relatively simple, as it involves shopping for products online using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Small businesses may be able to engage consumers more effectively by adopting some of the principles of social commerce.