
Arnimate augmented reality coloring book lets characters come alive

This new technology allows a child to be able to color in the traditional way, but with a high tech twist.

The use of coloring books is something that children have been enjoying for generations, but today’s kids are used to having a digital spin to everything they do and augmented reality is about to help them with that.

A.R. technology is now making it possible for newly colored characters to come alive on device screens.

This isn’t just a matter of having the animated pictures move about the screen. The augmented reality technology used by Arnimate has made it possible for the characters to appear in three dimensions, appear to move about the real world when viewed through the device screen, and will even respond to being “touched” by kids who are playing with them. This is certain to create a new sense of wonder for children who had previously found coloring to be a game that was limited to choosing the shades and trying to stay within the lines.

The augmented reality coloring book experience from Arnimate is meant to be fully immersive for kids.

Every page in the brand’s coloring book products produces a different scene. When viewed through the mobile app, it becomes possible to bring the complete creation to life. The three dimensional characters and scene will start to appear in real time through the device screen. They will move about in front of the child (or adult). The entire scene and all the characters within it will appear in the colors that were selected by the person who filled them in.

The characters within the scenes are all touch responsive which means that they will interact with the mobile device user through the screen when viewed through the app. Each of the scenes can be viewed from different vantage points.

According to the Kickstarter campaign that was launched by Arnimate, “This way, page after page, children will create their own world. They will meet new characters and play fun and educational games, which will undoubtedly develop creative thinking and install thirst for learning new things.”

Every augmented reality coloring book comes with 12 different scenes that are fully interactive through the app. When they are all completed, they make it possible for the user to play a complete game with the main character. It also comes with sound effects and background music that allow a child to essentially create their own full video game.

Black Friday was a success for mobile commerce

Mobile commerce grew significantly during the Black Friday weekend

Mobile commerce saw significant success during the Black Friday weekend. A new report from Custora, an online retail analytics company, has found that many e-commerce sites saw the majority of their purchases come from mobile devices. Consumers proven to be interested in mobile shopping this year, avoiding physical stores in order to take advantage of deals that online retailers are offering. Retailers that begun focusing on the mobile space have seen success in engaging consumers that shop using their mobile devices.

Majority of shoppers used their iOS devices to purchase products online

The report from Custora found that online retailers saw 80% of their purchases come from those with iOS devices. These consumers are using services like Apple Pay to purchase products with their smartphones. The report found that Black Friday revenue for retailers rose by 16.1% over what it was last year. Retailers have been successful in engaging mobile consumers, offering them a better shopping experience than they had last year. Many consumers had reported that the e-commerce checkout process was inconvenient on mobile devices, which lead many shoppers to abandon their purchases. Retailers seem to have resolved this issue.

Mobile shoppers spent more than $900 million during Black Friday, the majority of which came from iPhones

Mobile Commerce & E-CommerceSmartphones and tablets accounted for 36.1% of all e-commerce purchases this year, which is an increase from the 30.3% that was reported during Black Friday last year. A similar report from Adobe found that mobile consumers spent approximately $639 million during Thanksgiving Day and $905 million on Black Friday. Of this amount, some $302 million came from iPhones, with $180 million coming from Android devices.

Mobile commerce is expected to continue seeing strong growth in December

Mobile commerce is expected to find more success as the holiday season continues. In December, retailers are expected to offer a wide range of deals, some of which may be exclusive to mobile shoppers. The momentum that mobile commerce has generated during the holiday season is likely to extend into the early months of next year.