
Major League Baseball gives the nod to wearable technology

The MLB has now given its approval for the use of wearables throughout its current season.

The Major League Baseball (MLB) playing rules committee for the sport has now given its approval for the use of either of two different wearable technology devices during the games throughout the current playing season.

The two wearable devices that have received the MLB’s approval aren’t exactly the usual Fitbit.

Instead, the first is the Motus Baseball Sleeve, which is wearable technology for gauging stress to the elbows of a player. The second is the Zephyr Bioharness, which monitors breathing and heart rates of the players. Aside from those two, the committee has also gone ahead to give their approval for a couple of sensors for the baseball bats. Those bat sensors are to be used on the field during workouts, as opposed to during the games themselves. The first of the sensors is from Blast Motion while the second is from Diamond Kinetics.

The goal is to use wearable technology to identify player habits that may eventually lead to injuries.

Werable Technology - MLBThat said, the players union has expressed some concern with regards to the use of wearables and maintaining player privacy. It wants to ensure that the information collected by the teams will respect the privacy of the players. Both sides of this discussion have agreed that there will need to be talks throughout the bargaining that will occur this year.

At the time of the writing of this article, none of this information had been officially announced. Instead, people with knowledge of this subject were willing to share what they knew with the media in exchange for anonymity.

Technically, this is not the first time the sleeve wearable tech received approval. Last year, the committee gave provisional approval for that device. That said, this does represent the first time that full consent was given for the use of this or any other wearable device by the MLB.

The committee that gave the approval for the wearable technology device use consisted of Chris Antonetti from Cleveland, John Schuerholz from Atlanta, Terry Ryan of Minnesota, and John Mozeliak from St. Louis.

Micromax launches new mobile commerce solution with Visa and TranServ

Device maker partners with Visa and TranServ to launch new mobile wallet

Micromax, a developer of mobile devices, has partnered with Visa and TranServ to push mobile commerce among consumers. The company will be integrating a new mobile wallet, which will be powered by solutions designed by Visa and TranServ. The new wallet will allow consumers to use their smartphones to make payments online and in physical stores. Micromax has begun to focus heavily on mobile payments in order to ensure that its overall service strategy is beneficial for consumers.

Payments are now very important for companies in the mobile space

According to Micromax, payments have become a very important part of the mobile space. The demand for mobile payment support has grown significantly among consumers. If companies cannot offer such support, they may risk falling behind their competitors that are launching new services to consumers. Through its partnership with Visa and TranServ, Micromax believes that it will be able to provide consumers with a unique service that will be well received and capable of meeting the needs of its customers.

Mobile wallet will allow consumers to pay for products with their mobile devices

New Mobile Commerce Solution LaunchedMicromax customers using the new mobile wallet can pay for products using their mVisa cards to make payments. Currently, the majority of these transactions are likely to be made online, as relatively few retailers have invested in the technology needed to support mobile payments in physical stores. IN the future, this is likely to change due to the increasingly important role that mobile commerce is playing in the retail space.

Micromax will have to ensure the security and convenience of its mobile wallet in order to find success

The mobile wallet from Micromax may be well received among consumers if the service proves to be secure and convenient. With the aid of Visa, security may not be an issue due to the company’s tokenization technology. This replaces consumer financial information with digital tokens that can be used to authorize a payment. Ensuring that the mobile wallet is easy to use will be one of Micromax’s major priorities if it wants to find success in the mobile commerce space.