Category: Mobile Marketing

Augmented reality campaign launched by Very to boost mobile commerce


Augmented Reality shoppingVery teams with Fabulous to push augmented reality campaign

British retailer Very has teamed with Fabulous magazine, an imprint of The Sun, to launch a new mobile marketing campaign that makes use of augmented reality. The initiative will help Very get a better understanding of what consumers are looking for leading up to the Christmas season. The campaign will also encourage consumers to use their mobile devices to find products they like and make purchases online, thus boosting the prevalence of mobile commerce.

Campaigns aims to promote mobile commerce

Very’s augmented reality marketing campaign is powered by Blippar, a leading augmented reality platform. The campaign will run through four pages of Fabulous magazine, each containing a digital experience that can be unlocked using a smart phone. The campaign aims to show off a variety of fashions that consumers may find interesting and give them a chance to see outfits on display on a catwalk. Consumers will be able to pick out individual pieces from the campaign and purchase these pieces directly from Very using their mobile device.

Very has more plans for augmented reality

This will be the first augmented reality initiative launched by Very is preparation for the Christmas season. The retailer examining how well the technology can integrate itself into its existing marketing strategies. Very aims to use augmented reality to drive mobile commerce amongst its more tech-savvy consumers. Focus on mobile commerce could be a major boon for retailers during the Christmas season, especially as more consumers are beginning to rely heavily on their mobile devices to get shopping done.

Very continues to adapt to the changing needs of consumers

Christmas is a big time of the year for retailers. Over the years, retailers have had to adopt to the changing needs and interests of consumers in order to remain relevant with them. With more consumers showing interest in mobile commerce and augmented reality, Very is keen to ensure that it can engage these consumers where they are most interested.

The Big Issue In The North sold using QR codes

 The Big Issue In The North adopts new sales model to help homeless street vendors

The Big Issue In The North is a magazine in the United Kingdom with a business model that stands out. The magazine is sold in a traditional fashion, but not by vendors that own and operate newsstands. The Big Issue In the North is sold throughout the United Kingdom by homeless street vendors who rely on the jobs provided by the magazine for a steady income. The magazine recently announced that it will be launching a digital edition, which could threaten the sales of many of its homeless vendors.

INSP turns to QR codes to keep vendors in the loop

More magazines are opting to go digital as a way to keep up with the changing interests of consumers. Many of these magazines have been struggling to cope with the advent of mobile technology, with some faring far better than others. The Big Issue In The North believes that the time is right to make the transition from physical media to digital, but is unwilling to shirk its responsibility to the country’s homeless community. As such, the International Network of Street Papers (INSP), the non-profit group that owns and operates the magazine, is taking steps to ensure that homeless street vendors have a chance to continue working.The Big Issue In The North QR Code

QR codes used to sell magazines in the UK

The non-profit group has turned to QR codes in order to solve this problem. The digital edition of The Big Issue In The North will begin being sold on October 29 and can be purchased through the scanning of a QR code. In this way, INSP believes that street vendors will still be able to make a modest living through sales of The Big Issue In The North.

INSP slates pilot project for magazine in US

QR codes are well known as effective marketing tools and have been used to engage a wide range of consumers around the world. INSP, which owns and operates publications in several countries, is planning a pilot project of another one of its magazines — StreetWise — in Chicago using the same sales method as it is using in the UK.