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Ideal team structure for Mobile App Development

To render reliable mobile app development services…

You need to have in place an organized and proper team that will get the work done within the shortest time and accurately. To put together a mobile app development team, you need a structure that will help you maintain an organized team and provide the reliable services needed. It is therefore important to look at the structure of an ideal mobile app development team together with all that each section of the team has to handle during the whole process.

Just like in a ship or plane, the crew master cannot handle the flight or cruise alone. Each crew member has their roles to play to make it a successful venture. We are therefore going to explore the members involved in Mobile app development and what part they play in mobile app development.

  1. Software architect

Talking about an application is basically talking about organized software so it is very important to go on the long journey of choosing the best software architect you know to come up with the kind of mobile application you need. The software engineer is the main person behind the development and to make it a success you need to have a real expert. Ideal Team Structure for Mobile talking about organized software, so it is essential to go on the long journey of choosing the best software architect you know to come up with the kind of mobile application you need. The mobile app developer is the main person behind the mobile apps development services, and to make it a success, you need to have a real expert.

Mobile App Development team and who to hire

  1. The QA Engineer

For the mobile application to be completed, we need to have certified that it is the correct thing done in the development process. All the testing and fixing of bugs depends on the QA engineer, which is why you need one who is a real expert. The QA engineer and the software architect make up the planning and review section of our team. The two individuals will come up with the master plan and make sure that, in the end, it is the one executed.

  1. The Project Manager

A very important individual in the mobile application development team. The project manager coordinates the designer and developers who come up with the structure of the application. The project manager is meant to be kept in constant communication with the client.

  1. Designers

They come up with the map of how this plan of an application will be executed, and they are responsible for the general look and user interface of the application. They are part of the main executors of software architecture. They make sure the application is viable for use. In technical terms, this section forms the UX and the UI part of the team.

  1. Developers

If you hear about the execution of mobile application development, you need to think of these individuals. They serve to come up with the main functional backbone of the application, whereby they write the codes and match the plan with real development.


In as much we need to come up with appealing apps development services for our clients, the process might be the most challenging part without a team. This requires the presence of a team to handle each step of the development process. As mentioned, the process is like a flight or a cruise, which needs the whole crew to be in place to work on it in the same way, any company needs to make sure an ideal apps development team is in place.

5 E-Commerce SEO Strategies That Yield Rich Benefits

Having an e-commerce website online is one thing, but getting your store more organic traffic in search engines like Google is a significant project in itself.

Boosting online sales through organic search results can be an ideal way to build your e-commerce empire. While all that sounds amazing, you can’t do any of that without a robust SEO strategy for your online store. You can additionally hire an agency that offers excellent e-commerce SEO services.

Below are five basic e-commerce SEO strategies to skyrocket your organic traffic and sales.

Ecommerce Keyword Research

To make your product information friendly to search engines and customers, make sure product size, colors, measurement, price, and other details are included in the content. However, there is much more to selecting the right keywords than looking at how difficult it is to rank or how many people look it up.

For finding the best keywords, consider the buyer’s intent. For example, a buyer searching for “best laptop” is probably still into the searching phase, but if they’re searching “Dell Inspiron 15 3521”, they’re most probably searching for the best deal on the exact laptop and are much more likely to purchase a product. Pick your keywords wisely, as it can improve your rankings.

Increase Site Speed and Decrease Page Load Time

Speed is critical for e-commerce SEO and is considered to be an essential aspect of Google’s algorithm. As page load time increases, the user bounce rate will increase drastically.

Your focus should be on your user experience; however, you also need to consider how fast your site loads. Make sure you choose properly compressed images as big image files could be bogging your site down.

Mobile Optimization

how to mobile SEO Strategies

Don’t neglect mobile. Optimizing your website for various mobile devices has become more important. When running an e-commerce store, you need to prioritize the mobile experience over the desktop experience.

Recently, Google has announced that they are switching to the mobile-first indexing. This implies your e-commerce store has to do so as well. In terms of website ranking, Google will pay more attention to mobile sites than the desktop site. An excellent place to start this is by plugging your site into Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

Properly Manage Out Of Stock Products Pages

Do not delete a product page from your website. There are several strategies to involve a page into a site than simply deleting it:

  • Leave the product page up and simply add a proper message that says the product is out of stock. You can add links to relevant products as well.
  • Impose a 301 redirect to the most relevant new page. Be it a new product or a blog post about the old product. Replace the old URL properly.

Prioritize Navigation

User experience still plays the most critical role in today’s e-commerce stores. Reach out to a reputable agency for e-commerce SEO services, such as creating an easy-to-navigate website, especially for mobile users. You can provide category-level navigation on your e-commerce store as clear navigation will tell visitors what they will see when they click a particular link.

Google pays attention to the bounce rate to the search engines after visiting your site. Usability and site navigation plays a huge role here.

If you want your site to get thousands of monthly visitors, implement the best SEO strategies. Follow the tactics mentioned in this article, and you’ll be leagues above your competition.