Author: Rebecca

CoffeeTable app becomes universally available for all iOS devices


CoffeeTable app iOS DevicesCoffeeTable now available on iPhone

CoffeeTable, the highest ranked catalog shopping application for the iPad, is now universally available throughout the iOS platform. The application launched for the iPhone this week, making it widely available to all iOS consumers. The move was made in time for the holiday season, with CoffeeTable developers believing that the application will be a major boon for consumers that enjoy mobile shopping. Indeed, mobile shopping has become a well loved concept amongst many consumers all over the world, thus placing CoffeeTable in an ideal position to appeal to these consumers.

Holiday season sees increasing interest around mobile shopping

The holiday season is rapidly approaching and retailers are preparing for one of the most important days of the years: Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving is a time when retailers provide consumers with major discounts, deals, and special offers as a way to entice their patronage. For many retailers, a good showing during Black Friday could make up for an entire year of poor performance. With consumers becoming more connected to their mobile devices, retailers are beginning to target the mobile sector as a way to see further gains during the holiday season.

CoffeeTable app provides consumers with wide range of products

CoffeeTable is one year old this week and is keen to celebrate this occasion by becoming more widely available to consumers. The application aggregates catalog content from a wide variety of retailers, allowing consumers to browse products they may be interested in. Consumers may then purchase these products through either a mobile commerce platform, or an e-commerce website. Retailers may see a significant increase in traffic through the application on Cyber Monday, the equivalent of Black Friday for the electronics and technology sectors whose businesses reside online.

Mobile shopping may dominate holiday season

Mobile shopping is expected to play a large role during the 2012 holiday season. This is largely due to the growing number of consumers who have become enthralled with smart phones and tablets. These consumers are finding it more convenient to use their mobile devices to buy products, and these devices may become particularly useful for those that want to avoid the large amount of traffic they might see on Black Friday at local stores.


Google fights to see return in mobile commerce


Google Wallet Mobile Payments Mobile CommerceGoogle confronted with the problems of NFC technology

Despite the growing popularity surrounding mobile commerce, NFC technology has hit a rough patch in the global community. Mobile commerce relies heavily on NFC technology in order to function adequately. While the technology has proven very capable of facilitating mobile payments, it has run afoul of security groups and consumers who consider the technology to be a liability to their financial information. Google is one of the many companies that has invested heavily into NFC technology and now has to confront the question of whether they will be able to find profit in doing so.

Google Wallet has yet to impress consumers

NFC technology has seen a great deal of success amongst businesses. The technology has attracted investments and support largely because of its potential in the realm of mobile commerce. NFC often finds a home in mobile applications called mobile wallets. These platforms enable consumers with smart phones and other mobile devices to make payments using the financial information stored by the platform. Last year, Google launched the Google Wallet, which brought NFC-based mobile payments to a wide range of consumers. The platform was not well received by many, however.

Security fumbles at launch leave consumers leery

Google Wallet was plagued with problems at its launch. The platform even fell victim to simple “brute force” hacking, which could have put the financial information of consumers at serious risk. Google has since bolstered the security features of its mobile commerce platform, but the company’s initial security blunders cost it the favor of many consumers. Consumers around the world have begun showing a great deal of reluctance concerning mobile commerce, largely because of the lackluster security they are seeing from he companies involved in the burgeoning industry.

Google has time to see success from Wallet platform

Google has not yet seen return on its investment in the Google Wallet. The company has a profit margin of 22% and an operating margin of 28%, so Google has some time to spare before it has to take action and address the performance of the mobile commerce platform. Google Wallet is not the only venture in mobile commerce that Google is currently involved in, but it may become the company’s flagship if it can overcome the problems it is facing.