Tag: social commerce

Facebook takes a step toward mobile commerce

Facebook introduces new feature that may promote social commerce among its users

Facebook has been working to successfully monetize itself in recent years, and a focus solely on marketing is not doing the trick. While Facebook has become a very prominent and attractive platforms for advertisers, mobile commerce could soon become a very powerful revenue stream. In order to engage its massive mobile audience, Facebook has begun testing a new “Buy” service in order to promote social commerce.

Social commerce continues to grow in prominence as mobile consumers become a dominant demographic

Social commerce has become a very popular aspect of mobile shopping. Social media platforms, like Facebook, are beginning to make shopping online a primarily social experience. Shoppers can easily share the products that they find online with their contacts on various media platforms. This sharing increases product exposure, and social commerce has begun a viable way to passively market products by having consumers share their finds in an easy manner.

Mobile commerce could represent a significant revenue stream for Facebook

Facebook is expected to account for 7.8% of digital ad spending this year. While Facebook is a prominent advertising platform, it believes that mobile commerce will have a more profound impact on its revenue stream in the coming years. The Buy service that the company is testing is the first step in establishing a more prominent presence in the mobile commerce space. As one of the world’s largest social media platforms, Facebook may be able to make social commerce a more mainstream concept.

Buy service will be available to a limited number of users until it proves it can be successful

The Buy service will allow Facebook users to quickly purchase products that they find through the social media platform. A Buy button will appear at the bottom of sponsored advertisements, and this button can be clicked to initiate a purchase. The new service may be particularly popular among mobile users because of its convenient design. The button will only show up for a limited number of Facebook users, but if it is successful, the social media company plans to expand its availability in the coming months.

What is Social Commerce?

Social commerce is a relatively new subset of e-commerce that has emerged due to the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets. The term refers to the use of social networks in the context of e-commerce activity, leveraging the social power of these networks to make commerce more interactive and dynamic. The term itself was introduced by Yahoo! in November of 2005 to identify a collection of e-commerce tools that had features that allowed users to share information with one another.

Social commerce today incorporates the use of social media tools and content in order to facilitate e-commerce. This type of commercial has become particularly common within the fashion industry, where people like to share the products that they find with one another on a regular basis. The commerce platforms that leverage social connectivity are able to sell these products quite quickly. This connectivity is one of the most alluring features of social commerce.

Many people tend to enjoy social commerce because it allows them to interact with their friends and families while shopping. This social aspect can have a major affect on whether or not someone will purchase a particular product. Being able to quickly access opinions from a potentially large group of consumers can help people find out more about particular products and whether or not these products are worth anything.

Businesses have shown interest in social commerce as well, as it exists as a dynamic way to engage consumers effectively. Mobile consumers have proven themselves to be particularly difficult to engage for any prolonged period of time. These people tend to spend a lot of time on social networks, however, which social commerce an effective way to engage these consumers.

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