Tag: qr code familiarity

QR codes very familiar with smart phone owners


QR codes more familiar with smart phone owners than reports suggest

Perception Research Services (PRS) has released the results of a new survey concerning QR codes and their familiarity among consumers in the U.S. QR codes have become widely used mobile marketing tools, allowing companies to engage consumers that are highly reliant on their mobile devices. The codes have proven capable of providing consumers with valuable information that can influence purchases. Despite the prospects of QR codes, however, some reports suggest that they are rarely used by consumers and that many people do not know what the codes are. This is not the case, according to PRS.

Survey shows mobile shoppers are in tune with QR codes

According to the PRS survey, approximately 54% of consumers surveyed own smart phones. Nearly 76% of these people make use of their mobile device for shopping purposes through mobile commerce platforms. Roughly half of these mobile shoppers use their devices to check prices and do research on products they may be interested in. Electronics and packaged goods are the most common categories consumers focus on while using their mobile device to shop.

94% of smart phone owners recognize QR codes

The survey shows that a staggering 94% of smart phones owners recognize QR codes, with another 44% saying they have used the codes while shopping before. The PRS survey suggests that consumers are not as unfamiliar with QR codes as other research has suggested in the past. The level of comprehension smart phone owners show with the codes may actually be one of the reasons advertisers and retailers continue using the codes so aggressively.

Poor experiences could discourage QR code use

Despite the fact that such a high percentage of smart phones owners know what QR codes are, they may still be relatively leery of using the codes for many reasons. Retailers and advertisers often use QR codes to engage mobile consumers, but few companies actually take the time to test their codes to ensure a positive consumer experience. A poorly implemented code could discourage consumers from using them in the future, and word of mouth often persuades other consumers to avoid QR codes as well.

QR codes unfamiliar to Australian consumers


Australian consumers still widely unfamiliar with QR codes

QR codes continue to be a hot topic in marketing and have even begun to generate some hype around their use in mobile commerce. Despite the fact that the codes have become widely used, however, many consumers are still unfamiliar with the barcodes. This is especially true in Australia, where Econsultancy, a market research publisher, and Toluna, a survey and market research firm, have found that the majority of consumers do not know what QR codes are.

Codes still obscure despite their age

QR codes are not new technology. The codes emerged in the early 1990’s in the auto industry of Japan, developed by Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota. Denso Wave used the codes to keep track of inventory. The codes eventually found their way into the hands of advertisers, who were able to leverage their striking appearance and ability to distribute information quickly to engage consumers. Over a short period of time, QR codes became rampantly popular in Japan, and are still so today. Outside of Japan, however, the codes have had more trouble finding traction with consumers.

Survey shows many consumers are unfamiliar, but also that many are well aware of QR codes

According to the survey from Econsultancy, 62% of Australian consumers do not know what a QR code is, let alone what the barcodes are meant to do. The survey does show, however, that approximately 51% of consumers between the ages of 18 and 34 recognize the codes and know how to use them, with another 51% of these consumers having used a code within the last three months. The problem seems to be awareness, as many of the companies that use QR codes either for mobile commerce or marketing do not take the time to educate consumers on what the codes actually are.

Codes picking up momentum in mobile commerce

QR codes are becoming more popular in the realm of mobile commerce, especially in terms of so called “pop-up,” or virtual stores. These stores can be located anywhere and take up little room. Instead of physical products, these stores feature pictures of products they sell, with a QR code attached. When the codes are scanned, consumers can purchase the product associated with a QR code through a mobile website. UK retailer Tesco has done this in the past, as well as other retailers throughout the world.

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