Though this network may not find itself in a lot of headlines, it is a more powerful platform than they give it credit for.

While Facebook and Twitter often receive a great deal of attention when it comes to social media marketing, as does YouTube, Pinterest rarely even receives a notable mention in these same conversations, despite the fact that it has started to define itself as quite a powerful platform, especially when it comes to mobile marketing campaigns.

The social sharing platform that uses a pinboard style is highly popular and yet not nearly as widely studied.

That said, Pinterest is now reportedly intending to boost their overall advertising offerings in 2015. This will be especially focused on expanding the impact that it has among mobile marketing firms, as smartphone and tablet using consumers already appreciate the format of this platform. It will be interesting to see if this will finally put the spotlight onto this network when it appears to have been flying under the technology radar for such a long time.

Pinterest is looking to be able to boost its revenue by broadening its social media marketing offerings.

The social network is gearing up to boost the mobile advertising revenue that it brings in by expanding its Promoted Pins service in a “responsible” way. It has been reported by NativeMobile that the company is hoping to see a growth of 300 percent in its Promoted Pins by the end of next year.

The platform has taken a unique stance when it comes to social media marketing in that it focuses primarily on the user experience. It feels that it understands that there is a line between being useful and effective in terms of marketing, and going too far and simply irritating users with ever present ads.

Though they know that there is a chance that there could be a reduction in the potential profits by creating a limit to the expansion of the advertising component of the platform, they are willing to take this risk as they prefer to ensure that their users will continue to enjoy their experience on the site and the app instead of simply giving in to every advertiser that is willing to pay for premium pin placement on the streams of targeted users.

As of yet, the Promoted Pins social media marketing program at Pinterest has been reported as a powerful success, and there has been every indication that advertisers are looking to be able to use it even more.