Tag: online shopping

Mobile commerce takes off in Brazilian market

Using smartphones for purchasing a range of different kinds of items has become very popular in Brazil.

A recent study conducted on the mobile commerce market in Brazil has shown that shopping over smartphones is becoming increasingly popular within the country, particularly among young consumers who are shopping for the first time.

The research indicated that throughout 2015, there was an increase of 47 percent in m-commerce shoppers.

This is a dramatic rise in the number of people who are turning to mobile commerce in order to buy the products and services they want. The firm behind the study, E-bit, determined that shopping over smartphones made up a considerable 14.3 percent of the country’s online trading in 2015. When compared to the same figure from the year before, when it was 9.7 percent, that represents a very meaningful rise in this trend.

The research also indicates that 22 percent of online shoppers in Brazil have used mobile commerce.

That said, the same research has also underscored the fact that 88 percent of online shoppers still prefer to buy products and services over their desktop and laptop computers. While they might use their mobile devices for researching products and doing price comparisons, the final purchase still tends to be made over traditional computers the majority of the time. This indicates that consumers prefer to use multiple devices to complete the entire shopping journey from the point that they decide they want something and start to look into it, to the point that they actually pay for the items in their digital shopping carts.

In 2015, e-commerce in the Brazilian market generated $10.9 billion in sales, which was an increase over 2014 by 15.3 percent. This shows that there has been a significant trend leaning toward purchasing products and services on digital devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

That said, the news when it comes to online shopping and mobile commerce isn’t all positive. Recent research also published by E-bit but that was produced by a separate study has shown that they predict the lowest growth rates in online shopping in 15 years as a result of the current economic situation being experienced in the country. Brazil is in a recession at the moment and consumers have been cutting back on their spending as a result of this condition.

Mobile shopping results in fewer page views

A recent report has shown that retailers are struggling to boost site use among smartphone based shoppers.

Though it may seem quite easy to applaud the growth of mobile shopping and to feel that it is simple to hop on board and offer people a great m-commerce experience, provided that the site is smartphone-friendly, retailers are discovering that customer habits make things more challenging than anticipated.

Among the main problems is that shoppers are less likely to browse around when they use mobile devices.

A recent study, conducted by SimilarWeb, found that people using mobile shopping are viewing a smaller number of pages per site visit. Last year, the average online shopper using a desktop or a laptop viewed an average of 8.3 pages per site visit. That said, the average shopper using m-commerce channels such as smartphones and tablets saw only 5.8 pages. When it comes to trying to encourage people to add more to their carts, that represents a considerable reduction in opportunity for retailers.

The research also found that mobile shopping cuts down on the length of time of the visit, as well.

SimilarWeb determined that when shopping over desktop or laptop, people would browse around for an average of 6 minutes and 50 seconds on a retail site in 2015. However, when using mobile devices, that length of time fell considerably, plummeting to only 4 minutes and 29 seconds.

According to the firm’s digital insights manager, Pavel Tuchinsky, “Engagement and time on site has not been maintained in the transition toward mobile shopping.” That said, Tuchinsky also felt that there was a solution to this challenge. He explained that “Retailers must continue to embrace the rapid change towards mobile, including better checkout flows, and integration between desktop and mobile sites.”

It is no mystery that mobile shopping is becoming exceptionally important to shoppers. In the United States, it’s estimated that about 55.8 percent of all retail site visits came from users of smartphones and tablets in 2015. It will be up to retailers to try to keep on top of these trends and to better understand what their customers want if they intend to stay ahead in online sales.

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