Tag: mobile shopping

eBay predicts big losses for UK economy during holidays


ebay christmaseBay cites mobile connectivity for economic loss

The Christmas season is almost here, and many consumers are expected to rely heavily on their mobile devices to get their holiday shopping done. The holiday season has long been a major occasion for the retail industry, and this continues to be the case in the advent of mobile commerce. More consumers are making use of the smart phones and other mobile devices to purchase products. This has created a promising opportunity for some retailers, but it may cause some trouble for those in the United Kingdom. According to eBay, the UK economy stands to lose this year because of problems concerning mobile commerce and connectivity.

Slow connection speeds discourage consumers to participate in mobile commerce

Famed online retailer eBay claims that slow mobile connection speeds, caused by the lack of a universal 4G service, will cost the UK economy more than $150 million during the holiday season. The retailer believes that the average mobile download speeds throughout the country are not conducive to supporting consumers who want to make a purchase using their smart phone. The country’s first 4G network was launched earlier this week by Everything Everywhere, bringing high-speed connection to 11 cities in the UK, but this network has not yet matured enough to be considered viable for holiday shoppers.

4G connectivity could boost sales to nearly $800 million

eBay predicts that more than a third of all Christmas gifts will be purchased online using a smart phone, even from those that do not have access to a 4G network. If mobile networks were to improve the speeds they provide to consumers, establishing 4G connectivity throughout more of the country, eBay suggests that sales could rise from roughly $600 million to nearly $800 million.

Consumers continue to show interest in mobile commerce

Consumers in the United Kingdom have shown a great deal of interest in mobile commerce. Mobile commerce services have provided many of these consumers with a more convenient way to pay for the products that they love. If mobile networks do not take mobile commerce more seriously, especially in the realm of mobile connectivity, they may stand to lose during this year’s Christmas shopping frenzy.

Tis the season to get your mobile marketing campaign in gear

Holiday Mobile Shopping is Here!

It’s already past halfway through October and though the holiday shopping season is now upon us, preparations should be underway .It may not yet be time to deck the halls, but it is important that you have a strategy in place for how you intent do accomplish your holiday shopping season goals, including your mobile marketing strategy.

The time for planning is now, so that you will be prepared when shoppers are ready to buy.

A successful business never waits until the last second to try to make its orders from its suppliers for the holiday shopping season, and the same thing can be said about advertising campaigns. This year, any company that plans to make the very most of the most important retail months of the year will also need to have a mobile marketing plan in place.

The fact is that just over half of all Americans now have smartphones and that is too great an opportunity to miss.

By the time the holiday shopping season comes around, that number will have grown even further. It would be foolish toMobile Commerce Holiday Season allow your competition to reach out to them, while you sit back and attempt to benefit from the more traditional methods you’ve used in the past.

Mobile marketing has come a long way and, though it still has a long way to go, it has a great deal to offer. Fortunately, aside from the number of people that it can reach, it is also so inexpensive to use that it is possible to work through several campaigns in order to give the final drafts for the holidays all of the polish that they need.

This means that even if you dedicate only a small fraction of your complete advertising budget to mobile marketing, you will still have a significant chance to engage consumers and draw them to make a purchase. Conversely, if you don’t place any focus on smartphone shoppers at all, you will likely be left behind, and you will be even less prepared next year, when it will certainly be a vital practice.

The time has come to get started on the plans that your business has for mobile marketing in the holiday season. By doing so, you will be planting the seeds for growth over many years to come.