Tag: mobile devices

Study shows that tablet computers are causing insomnia

Though it has long been believed that light interrupts sleep, this research focused specifically on mobile device screens.

Scientists and doctors have known for many years that exposure to light can interrupt a person’s natural sleep patterns and make it harder to obtain the rest we need, but recently the light from tablet computers was put to the test by a team of researchers from the University of Bergen.

What they found was that people who use tablets and other mobile devices causes harm even when used in the dark.

The researchers looked into the impact of using tablet computers at bedtime when compared to reading a traditional print book. What the scientists discovered was that after reading a tablet screen for only 30 minutes while in bed, a negative impact on sleep can occur. The results of this study were published within the Sleep Medicine journal. The intention of the research was to determine whether the backlighting of the screens of mobile devices actually had a meaningful impact on the quality of sleep a user would receive.

The researchers compared the use of tablet computers with the results from people reading print books.

The study involved the participation of 16 students with an average age of 25.1 years. The research participants were permitted to sleep in their own homes and beds in order to ensure that the results were not compromised by an alteration in the participant’s sleep environment. The researchers then used a polysomnography tool in order to be able to detect sleep disorders in any of the participants. Before the study, none of the participants suffered from sleep struggles.

When the participants read from print books, the problem with sleep struggles was deemed nonexistent among the participants who already did not have problems with insomnia.

On the other hand, the tablet computers appeared to have an effect on the level of sleepiness of the users. It is suspected that the light emitted from the device screen may have played a role in this impact. That said, it’s important to note that while it may have taken more time for tablet users to doze off, the duration of sleep was the same regardless of the use of a digital screen or a print book.

Multiple devices are driving mobile commerce forward

A recent study has revealed that many shoppers use multiple portable devices when they buy.

According to the results of a recent study from Criteo, when it comes to mobile commerce, the complete journey from product discovery to the actual purchase can involve several different devices, as opposed to just one, as has been the case with traditional online shopping over a computer.

The data from Criteo indicated that 40 percent of online purchases are now conducted over multiple devices.

This data was compiled as a part of the Q4 2015 State of Mobile Commerce Report from the firm. One of the main findings within that report was that consumers aren’t just using a single mobile device to complete online purchases. It’s true that 60 percent of m-commerce based purchases are currently occurring over smartphones, but Criteo’s data has also indicated that about 40 percent of all online transactions actually involve the use of several different connected and mobile devices that will eventually lead to a purchase. These gadgets include smartphones, but also PCs and tablets.

Mobile commerce is, therefore, dependent on making sure that the shopping experience works across these devices.

According to the Criteo chief product officer, Jonathan Wolf, “Criteo’s quarterly Mobile Commerce Report demonstrates that mobile is an essential component of commerce today, with most consumers browsing and buying across multiple devices.” Wolf also added that “In order to better understand this digitally-savvy consumer, marketers need to stop looking at each device on its own, and start understanding the user behind them. Multi-device behavior is the new normal.”

Among the other key findings from the mobile commerce trends report were the following:

• Of all purchases made online, 4 out of every 10 involved the use of multiple devices before the final checkout procedure was initiated.
• One out of every 3 multi-device purchases reached a completion point over mobile (smartphone or tablet).
• There was a 15 percent year over year increae in mobile transactions from Q4 2014 to Q4 2015.
• Orders completed over tablets have a higher sales value than those completed over smartphones.
• Thirty seven percent of shoppers using desktop or laptop computers will also use mobile devices to browse retailer sites. They often look for products over mobile and buy them over PC.
• Among tablet shoppers, 43 percent use more than one device throughout the length of the shopping journey.

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