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Report highlights the potential of mobile commerce in the UK

 Mobile commerce to have significant impact on UK retail industry

The Economist Intelligence Unit, an independent research and analysis firm operating in the European Union, has released a new report concerning the impact of e-commerce, mobile commerce, and social commerce on the retail industry in the United Kingdom. UK retailers have been seeing an increase in demand from consumers interested in using their mobile devices as payment platforms. In response, many retailers have begun adopting mobile commerce systems, such as NFC terminals, as well as bolstering their online presence to be more accommodating of social commerce and e-commerce.

New commerce to make up a third of all retail sales in the UK in 10 years

The report predicts that sales from e-commerce, m-commerce, and s-commerce are to make up more than a third of all sales in the UK within the next ten years. These types of commerce account for roughly 10% of all retail sales made in the UK currently. Social commerce is one of the most rapidly growing forms of commerce emerging in the UK. This form of concept refers to sales made through social media sites, like Facebook and Google+. E-commerce has always been a popular option for consumers that prefer not to visit physical stores, but mobile commerce may become the leading form of commerce amongst all consumers.

Mobile commerce may reign supreme

The report shows that mobile commerce is growing in popularity and may soon become the primary shopping medium amongst consumers by 2022. The report suggests that consumers are more likely to make impulsive purchases when using mobile commerce platforms, thus giving retailers even more incentive to become more accommodating to these consumers. Given that many of these consumers are constantly connected to social media sites, both mobile commerce and social commerce initiative may stand to net major gains for retailers in the UK.

More consumers expected to participate in new forms of commerce in coming years

Online sales channels continue to outperform traditional channels. The Economist Intelligence Unit predicts that consumers will favor online channels throughout the next ten years, especially as more retailers adopt mobile commerce services and the availability of NFC-enabled mobile devices grows. Several companies are experimenting with alternatives to NFC technology that may broaden the horizon of mobile commerce, as well. These efforts are expected to bring more consumers into the fold and add further momentum to new forms of commerce in UK and around the world.

INSIDE Secure introduces VaultSecure platform

VaultSecure aims to transform mobile commerce

INSIDE Secure, a  mobile security firm, has launched a new platform called VaultSecure that will help consumers manage multiple mobile wallet applications on their smart phone or tablet. The company believes that the VaultSecure platform will help transform the mobile commerce industry. INSIDE Secure suggests that this will be the first time that smart phone makers, network operators, and others in the telecommunications industry will be able to share a secure element on a single mobile device.

Days of clashing mobile commerce applications may be history

Before VaultSecure, smart phones were only capable of supporting a single mobile commerce application without trouble. Multiple applications on a single device would often cause problems due to the clashing security features they have in place. In some cases, multiple mobile commerce applications could actually make financial information more vulnerable, thus leading many mobile network operators to favor a particular platform over others. This has led to severe fragmentation within the mobile commerce market.

Platform allows various applications to coexist on a single device

This fragmentation can be seen all over the world. In the U.S., Google, Isis, and the newly formed Merchant Customer Exchange, are all vying for the affection of consumers and businesses interested in mobile commerce. Through SecureVault, the applications coming from these groups can coexist on a single mobile device, each able to access a consumer’s financial information independently. The platform will also encrypt this information for each of the mobile commerce applications, adding an extra layer of protection against malicious attacks.

Competition may prove to fierce for VaultSecure to find traction

INSIDE Secure will be selling VaultSecure to makers of smart phones and tablets. These companies will then have to work with the various companies involved in mobile commerce to incorporate the platform. Given the highly competitive nature of the burgeoning mobile commerce industry, it may be difficult to convince companies that having their platform exist alongside that of their competitors as a sound business move.

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