Tag: forrester research

Tablets coming to dominate mobile commerce

Mobile Commerce tablets win over smartphonesTablets are overcoming smartphones in mobile commerce

Mobile payments may be becoming more common as more consumers become reliant on mobile technology, but whether tablets or smartphone are more favored for online shopping has remained something of a mystery for some time. Smartphones have long held a dominant presence in the field of mobile commerce as many consumers often use these devices while shopping to search for and purchase products. A new report from Forrester Research, a leading market research firm, suggests that tablets may soon replace smartphones for this purpose.

Consumers prefer tablets

According to the report, 30% of tablet owners in the U.S. use their device for mobile commerce. Comparatively, the report shows that only 13% of smartphone users have made a purchase through their mobile device. The report suggests that consumers favor tablets because of the larger screens features on such devices. The larger screen allows for better control and navigation, providing a more enjoyable shopping experience overall.

Report predicts growth of mobile commerce

The report from Forrester Research also forecasts mobile commerce sales for this year and through 2016. Currently, the report does not factor in sales made through tablets and only accounts for those made through smartphones. The report predicts that mobile commerce sales will reach $12 billion this year. Sales will increase exponentially over the next few years and reach $27 billion by 2016. This growth is largely driven by the expanding availability of mobile devices. Tablets are expected to contribute significantly to mobile commerce sales in the future. Forrester research predicts that 45% of mobile consumers will be tablet owners by 2016.

Study suggests that tablets will drive mobile commerce sales in US

Another study conducted by eMarketer, a market research firm, suggests that tablets will drive the majority of mobile commerce sales in the U.S. this year. This study predicts that tablets will become the primary mobile commerce platform among consumers, representing some 71% of mobile spending by 2017.

Mobile commerce may have a bright future

Mobile commerce is picking up momentum

Mobile commerce is growing rapidly and that growth does not appear to be slowing down any time soon. The current state of mobile commerce suggests a bright future, largely due to the proliferation of mobile technology and the perceived convenience of mobile payments. Indeed, mobile devices are beginning to become more popular than PCs. According to a study conducted by  the International Telecommunications Union, as of August 2012, more than 7 billion mobile devices were operating all over the world, exceeding the number of active PCs by three times.

Mobile sales to reach new heights in near future

A recent study from Abi Research suggests that mobile commerce will reach $119 billion by 2015. This is roughly 8% of the current e-commerce market. E-commerce is still considered to be a powerful force, especially in the retail industry, but mobile commerce is benefiting from increased exposure and a growing number of retailers interested in engaging mobile consumers in a new form of commerce. Another study by Forrester Research suggests that mobile commerce in the U.S., in particular, will reach $31 billion by 2016.

US mobile commerce experiences aggressive growth

In the U.S., mobile commerce is experiencing a magnanimous rise to fame. More consumers are beginning to become comfortable with the concept of mobile payments, making them more likely to purchase goods and services using their smartphones or tablets. Mobile traffic to websites is on the rise, powered by growing interests in the realm of mobile marketing. Location-based services are also playing a role in encouraging consumers to participate in mobile commerce as they are able to find stores and attractions more easily, especially while traveling.

Security may derail bright future

While the current state of mobile commerce does paint a bright future, the future is, of course, unknowable. There are many challenges that face mobile commerce that could derail the burgeoning industry’s future. The most significant of these challenges, currently, is security. Without adequate security, a consumer’s financial information is at risk of theft and exploitation. The security dangers inherent in mobile commerce have kept many consumers from conducting mobile payments.

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