Author: Stephen

Smartphones are leading the way in mobile commerce growth

Study highlights a paradigm shift in the mobile commerce space

A new study from Forrester Research,, and Bizrate Insights shows that smartphones are beginning to become powerful mobile commerce tools. The study has found that consumers are beginning to change the way they browse for products online while using their mobile devices. This, alongside a shift in investments coming from technology companies and better optimization strategies from retailers, is beginning to have a major impact on the mobile commerce space as a whole.

Retailers are seeing more activity come from smartphones rather than tablets

The study found that, among retailers, smartphones accounted for approximately 17% of all online sales made in 2015. By comparison, tablets comprised 14% of online sales last year. Sales via smartphones grew by 53% over what they had been in 2014, with sales from tablets seeing a modest 32% growth in 2014. Retailers are beginning to optimize their mobile engagement strategies, which has lead to a higher number of smartphone users to participate in mobile commerce.

Technology companies are beginning to change the way they invest in the mobile sector

Smartphones - Mobile Commerce GrowthThe study also found that there is a shift occurring in the investments that technology companies are making in the mobile space. A growing number of these companies are beginning to focus more heavily on mobile commerce, hoping to take advantage of the rapidly growing market. Companies like Apple and Google are bringing their own mobile payments services to new markets and retailers are beginning to follow suit. Technology companies are seeing major promise in the continued growth of the mobile commerce market are investing to ensure its continued expansion.

Retailers begin to focus more heavily on smartphones

Tablets had been a very popular mobile shopper platform for consumers in the past. These devices feature larger screens, which allowed for a more enjoyable shopping experience. Smartphones are becoming more popular among consumers, however, as these devices tend to be more common and more convenient shopping experience. Organizations involved in the mobile commerce space may soon focus more heavily on smartphones than other mobile devices in order to effectively engage consumers.

Innovation in mobile commerce showcased at CES 2016

MasterCard and Samsung team to bring new mobile commerce services to consumers

Several organizations involved in the mobile commerce space have begun showing off their new projects at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. These companies have been showcasing innovative products that may revolutionize the mobile commerce space. MasterCard is one of these companies, which has introduced a new mobile application that will allow consumers to order food and groceries from their refrigerator. MasterCard has partnered with Samsung to make this possible.

Groceries by MasterCard brings a new twist to the mobile shopping space

The new app is called Groceries by MasterCard and can be used by those with a Samsung Family Hub refrigerator. Using the app, consumers will be able to place orders for food and groceries, which can be either delivered to their homes or can be picked up at a local store. MasterCard and Samsung are not the only companies bringing innovation to the mobile commerce space, of course, as Huawei, an electronics company based in China, has also introduced new mobile devices that could make mobile commerce more convenient.

Huawei introduces new phones that offer better security features and extended battery life

Mobile Commerce - Samsung & MasterCard partnershipLast year, Huawei, which is the third largest maker of smartphones in the world, introduced a smartphone with a battery system that can be used to power other devices. This year, the company has introduced two new phones, which can last longer than two days of uninterrupted performance before needing to be charged. The phones also include fingerprint scanners, which will allow consumers to protect their sensitive information more easily. This could be a boon for those interested in mobile commerce, as these devices will protect financial information.

Mobile commerce is growing aggressively in China

Mobile commerce is growing quickly throughout the world, but Asia is seeing the most significant growth. China, in particular, is becoming one of the world’s leading mobile commerce markets, especially as more consumers gain access to smartphones that provide convenient services. Innovation in the mobile commerce space is likely to encourage consumers to use their mobile devices to get their shopping done more frequently.