Wimbledon wearable technology strategy from Jaguar measures crowd response

The official auto sponsor of the event is using wearables and court sensors to gauge the mood of the audience.

Jaguar has take a wearable technology route as a part of its first ever strategy as the official auto sponsor of Wimbledon, which started on June 29 and runs all the way through July 12, this year.

The luxury auto maker has implemented wearables and court sensors for a unique purpose during the event.

Throughout the tournament, wearable technology in the form of biometric wristbands will be helping to gauge the mood and emotion of the crowd. Certain select spectators have been provided the wearables that record the movement, heart rate, and location of the individuals. They work with atmospheric, in-ground sensors that will then provide the brand with data that they are able to analyze in order to gauge the energy level of the crowds, as well as their movement, and audio levels, in combination with infrared.

This use of wearable technology and sensors could offer tremendous insight into the spectator experience.

That insight will be implemented in a number of ways, including a sociometric component that will incorporate the worldwide fan posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instigram. All of these various forms of technology, combined, will offer a real time understanding of the sentiment of the audience, depending on when it is and where they happen to be.

Jaguar intends to share the insights that they collect through the wearable tech and other sensors, using the hashtag #FeelWimbledon, over the brand’s social channels. According to the Jaguar Land Rover UK marketing director, Laura Schwab, “Wimbledon evokes lots of emotions and captures our imaginations in so many different ways, so we’re very excited to celebrate what makes Wimbledon so special through our #FeelWimbledon campaign.”

Schwab also went on to say that the exposure that will be achieved through this event and the insight that can be gained through the wearable technology and other forms of metrics that will be employed is considerable. She pointed out that there will be “500,000 people attending Wimbledon this year,” and this clearly offers a sizeable audience for the brand and its products.

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