Tag: technology news

Mobile marketing is starting to make Google twitch

As a growing number of marketers target smartphone and tablet users, the search engine giant is feeling the pinch.

Shares at Google have experienced some notable drops over the last week, following the reports from the search engine giant that have indicated that profits and second quarter sales were not as high as they had projected; a fact that is being blamed, in part on mobile marketing.

Though Google is very dominant in the online sphere, smartphones and tablets are shaking things up.

The revenue for the second quarter of this year was reported to be $11.1 billion. Though this is still a solid figure, it is a clear miss of the average estimate that had been presented by analysts for $11.3 billion during that period of time. Mobile marketing is starting to be seen as considerably more powerful and influential than it had been.

Moreover mobile marketing also took its toll on the profits that Google experienced in this time.

Google - Mobile MarketingBefore certain items, profits had been at $9.56 per share, which is lower than the average forecast, which had been staked at $10.80. Last week, the shares continued their slide by up to 5.7 percent, at times.

Furthermore, beyond all of this unfortunate news for Google, the average cost per click also drooped by 6 percent, as mobile marketing became an increasingly popular effort, drawing budgets away from traditional desktop advertising.

According to a BGC partners LP analyst, Colin Gillis, in an interview with Bloomberg, “The challenge is for Google to reignite revenue growth as their existing businesses start to mature.” Gillis went on to say that “The core business is slowing down.”

This means that Google, just like the rest of the online world, is now realizing that the power of mobile marketing is considerably greater than predicted, and that an evolution will be required in order to be able to keep up with the changes that it demands.

There was one point during which the shares from Google had shrunk to $858.80 following late trading that had occurred after the day’s closing, which had been recorded at $910.68.

Technology news made by Apple with Japanese iWatch trademark

This is being seen as the most compelling evidence that the device manufacturer is creating a smartwatch.

According to the latest technology news, Apple is currently actively pursuing the iWatch trademark ownership in Japan, and it has been doing so – says Bloomberg – since the beginning of June 2013.

The effort is to try to obtain protection of the name, which is being listed as a watch or handheld computer.

The California based computer and mobile device giant has filed for the iWatch trademark protection in Japan within a category that also includes both watches and handheld computers. The filing was initially made on June 3, and it was just recently made public by the Japan Patent Office. Attempts to reach an Apple spokesperson in Tokyo, Takashi Takebayashi, for a comment on the subject had not received any response at the time of the writing of this article.

That said, technology news reports are swamping the internet with claims that a touchscreen smartwatch is on its way.

Technology News - Apple iWatchClaims from technology news sites and individuals who have access to this type of information are both reporting that Apple is coming ever closer to the mass production of a touchscreen smartwatch, which followers have been calling the iWatch for some time.

A month and a half ago, it was reported that Apple had been placing a considerable focus on being able to read an OLED screen that was only 1.5 inches. There have also been reports that there have been several assignments of the top engineers in the company assigned to building the best possible version of a smartwatch device.

According to a research report that was reported on by Bloomberg and that had been issued by a Raymond James & Associates Inc. analyst, Raymond James, “We can expect a full TV at Apple in the future, maybe a watch, and who knows what other future devices.” James went on to say that “New connected devices, whether they are TVs, cars or other devices are likely to be first adopted by high income consumers, over whom Apple dominates globally.”

Technology news has been inundated with various types of wearable mobile products but Apple always proves a leader in the headlines.