Tag: mobile marketing trends

Mobile marketing by retailers can be highly appealing to Millennials

This demographic is not finding the mall atmosphere as attractive and interesting as previous generations at their age.

The trend away from the mall shopping experience is a considerable one among Millennials in the United States as well as many other countries, opening a considerable opportunity for retailers to reach this consumer demographic by way of mobile marketing, says a recent JLL Research report.

The firm’s report concluded that retailers need to use ads and promotions over smartphones and tablets to reach Millennials.

The report summary indicated that while the demographic has cash to spend, and they are also armed with some of the latest in electronics, smartphones, and tablets. They pointed out that young adult consumers who were born between the years of 1980 and 2000 are already spending an estimated $600 billion each year in the United States. Moreover, the amount of spending is growing, which means that the ideal mobile marketing opportunity is now being formed, and retailers will miss out if they don’t take hold of that chance.

Mobile marketing will, said the report, be a vital method of carving out a piece of that spending pie.

Mobile Marketing- MillennialsThe report also outlined that Millennial retail spending “shows no signs of slowing. In fact, they’re on track to spend $1.4 trillion annually by 2020, accounting for roughly 30 percent of all retail sales.”

The JLL Research report suggests that retailers focus on mobile ads that are geared toward consumers between the ages of 18 and 34. This is the age group that sees the world through technology and they are among the most likely to use their mobile devices to shop when it comes time for them to make a purchase. They research products, compare prices, consult with peers, and read online reviews to help in making their final purchase decisions.

Among the largest mobile marketing recommendations that the firm made was in terms of coupons and sales that can be redeemed through the use of a smartphone or tablet. Like everyone else, Millennials love a good deal and are responsive to coupons and targeted promotions that they discover on their favorite devices.

Mobile marketing gets a big hug in England

Advertisers in the United Kingdom have clearly embraced the channel and the trend is only improving.

While mobile marketing is doing quite well in a number of different markets, in the United Kingdom, adoption has been considerable and has reached the point that eMarketer has concluded that it is “the new normal” in that country.

At a time in which a huge focus is placed on social media advertising, it is over smartphones that many people are reached.

In the U.K., there is a boom that is being experienced in mobile marketing, particularly over social media, that is expected to continue racing forward until it slows to a near plateau in 2018. eMarketer released a report entitled “UK Social Networking Trends: mobile Is Becoming the New Normal”. Its conclusions were that the entire forecast period of the report – which ends in 2018 – will see a steady growth in social media use over smartphones. It stated that this year will see 75.3 percent, but that this figure will rise to 90.2 percent in that final year.

As consumers start paying more attention to smartphones, advertisers are looking to mobile marketing.

mobile marketing trends Overall advertising and social media marketing are becoming a mainstream focus in the U.K. Brands and businesses are seeking to connect with consumers over the channel that they prefer the most, and in many cases, this means smartphones. The true opportunity is in the fact that most consumers have those devices with them and turned on, most of the time. This allows for a new and critical level of real time engagement that has never been possible before.

That new data aligns well with a study that was released in February 2014 by a social media firm called Immediate Future. It looked into the way marketers in the United Kingdom felt about social engagement offers in real-time. Though the most frequently cited benefit identified among the participants was general audience engagement, 35 percent also felt that it helped to increase customer loyalty and retention, while a quarter said that they experienced better return on investment as a result of social mobile marketing.