Tag: mobile marketing trends

Mobile marketing sees a record 260 percent growth in India

The fastest growing smartphone market in the world is seeing tremendous advertising increases.

According to recent data, the volume of mobile marketing is growing faster in India than anywhere else in the world, having risen by 260 percent year over year in July 2014.

Comparatively, the Asia Pacific region, which is geographically larger, saw less than half that growth.

The same data showed that the Asia Pacific region saw a respectable mobile marketing growth, but it was 70 percent, which is still considerably lower than what was experienced in India. This has caused a considerable amount of attention to be turned toward the country when it comes to advertising over smartphones. The reason that many have credited to the massive growth rate of advertising over this channel has to do with the fact that the market for this mobile device, as a whole is growing the most quickly in India.

Device users are switching from feature phones to smart phones, which is causing a mobile marketing traffic spike.

India Mobile Marketing Increases by 260 percentThe changing of the mobile devices in the hands of the public in India is leading to a transformation of the advertising marketplace. This, conclusion, and the data that lead to it, were the result of an analysis conducted by Opera Mediaworks, an ad platform based in San Mateo, California. The firm published the results of its research in a report entitled “State of Mobile Advertising”.

The report also revealed that when it comes to device tracking, the Android share of the market in India is 41.7 percent. Devices based on iOS have a tiny share of the market, with Apple devices representing only 0.4 percent. That said, it has been shown in other reports that the share of the market does not necessarily directly determine the size of the revenues that are brought in by that share.

The mobile marketing report from Opera Mediaworks indicated that both apps and social sites are at the top of the list when it comes to the types of media used for advertising to Indian consumers. This aligns with the trends that are being recorded throughout the world.

Mobile marketing investment shortfall in the U.K. reaches £1.9 billion

While organizations are increasingly likely to have a smartphone ad strategy, levels still haven’t reached expectations.

According to a report that has now been issued by Oracle Marketing Cloud and Econsultancy, businesses are now more likely than ever before to have some type of strategy in place for the integration of mobile marketing into their overall promotions and advertising campaigns.

The report showed that while the acknowledgement of importance is there, the integration remains small.

The publication, entitled the “Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2014” showed that marketers and brands are continuing their transition from traditional channels toward digital and mobile marketing. However, in the United Kingdom, while it is clear that companies find that there is considerable importance in using those channels, there hasn’t been a tremendous focus made in terms of actually working them into a campaign.

It is believed that this will soon begin to pick up, as many companies are making their first mobile marketing moves in 2014.

The report showed that 20 percent of companies are now using mobile notifications and push alerts and that these, combined with messaging, mobile apps, and email are viewed by marketers as the areas in which they will best be able to achieve customer retention.Mobile Marketing - UK

This aligned with a report that was published by the 2014 Internet Trends Report which focused on the market in the United States. This latest report used the same sources as the American one, only using data from the United Kingdom, instead. The U.K. figures showed that while mobile represents 20 percent of a consumer’s total time spent with media, it also represents only 7 percent of total ad spend.

When applied to an actual monetary value, this represents a gap that is worth an estimated £1.9 billion. The shortfall has been attributed to a greater mobile optimization and advertising activity market, in addition to actual ad spending. That said, this still represents a sizeable gap between the actual time spent by consumers and the amount of money spent by marketers.

Equally, though, among the brands and marketers surveyed, 75 percent said that they had some type of mobile marketing integration strategy in place for their campaigns, which represents a year over year growth of 16 percent.