Tag: india mobile commerce

eBay helps expand mobile commerce in India

Mobile Commerce eBay IndiaeBay overcoming Amazon in the field of mobile commerce in BRIC countires

eBay has beaten Amazon in the race to expand e-commerce in BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries. Last week, eBay announced that it expects to see no less than 12% of its sales come from these countries by 2015. In order to achieve this goal, the retailer has been investing more heavily in e-commerce in these countries, with a strong focus on mobile commerce in particular. eBay anticipates that the global e-commerce market will be worth more than $300 billion by 2015, and the company is eager to beat out its only major competitor, Amazon, in order to establish dominance in the changing world of commerce.

eBay invests in Snapdeal

eBay has announced that it has completed Series C investment in Snapdeal, a leading online retailer based in India. Snapdeal boasts of more than 20 million users who regularly purchase products on a platform that is somewhat similar to eBay. Snapdeal has found some success in the field of mobile commerce, tapping into the growing population of India that has access to smartphones and tablets. The success the company has seen in the mobile commerce field has attracted the attention of eBay, which has invested $50 million into Snapdeal.

Snapdeal expects to see a strong sales year

By investing into Snapdeal, eBay is moving further into the Indian market. The company already has its own division devoted to the country, eBay India, but this only boasts of 5 million users, much less than those that make use of Snapdeal. Moreover, more consumers are beginning to favor mobile commerce over traditional forms of commerce. Snapdeal is more accommodating of purchases being made bring a mobile device than eBay India is, which leads more consumers to the former rather than the latter. With 20 million users and a strong focus on mobile commerce, Snapdeal is expected to generate more than $400 million in sales this year.

Amazon finds some progress in Brazil and elsewhere

Amazon has been working to establish a stronger presence in BRIC countries but has been met with several challenges along the way. While none of these challenges are expected to topple Amazon’s efforts, eBay was able to overcome the challenges it faced more quickly than its competitor. Nonetheless, Amazon is rapidly establishing a foothold in Brazil in much the same way that eBay is establishing its presence in India.

Technology news from India shows its market is a top priority for manufacturers

India Technology NewsThe country is becoming one of the largest emerging markets in the world.

Apple and Samsung are battling it out through technology news headlines as they press more heavily into the largest emerging market for smartphones and tablets: India.

This report was first made through the Economic Times in India, which indicated that Apple is stepping it up.

The report showed that Apple was revving up to add an entirely new level to the battle with its competitors in that region. It is expected that by the end of 2015, the presence that Apple has established in India will be three times what it is today.

Within three years, Apple may be making new technology headlines through a massive expansion.

The latest statistics are indicating that Apple will be expanding to over 200 locations throughout India. This is considerable technology news as that country has traditionally been quite low on the priority scale for that mobile manufacturer. However the surprising sale of iPads and iPhones in that region, in combination with the considerable progress that Samsung has been making in its own penetration within Apple’s traditional American marketplace and other locations around the world, have caused Apple to look again at this South Asian nation.

Apple is now giving India far more priority as a new growth market, which is a top concern on the manufacturer’s list. Over the last few months, the company has done everything it can to help to boost the user base of its mobile devices in India. For instance, at the end of 2012, it was making technology news headlines when it started to authorize the use of payment plans in order to assist potential iPhone customers to be able to more easily purchase the smartphone inside the country.

According to the IDC research director, Venu Reddy, earlier this year, “In Q4, Apple has turned out to be the number two player in India. And this means that they have done a significant shift in their positioning.” At the moment, Samsung is still keeping up its technology news headlines as the leading smartphone vendor in the country. That said, Apple is on the move and is now closing in on this market’s leadership.