Tag: Facebook

SponsorPay sheds some insight on mobile games

SponsorPay mobile games insightNew information from SponsorPay highlights trends in mobile games

SponsorPay, a leading engagement marketing firm, has released new information concerning the rise of mobile games. Gaming has long been a source of entertainment for a wide range of people. In the advent of mobile technology, games became more mobile, allowing people to play them wherever they may be. As gaming became more popular, social networks, like Facebook, began offering games to users. These social games continue to be a major phenomenon within the game industry.

Women outnumber men when it comes to mobile and social games

According to SponsorPay, the majority of people — approximately 31% of mobile consumers — play mobile games while they are in bed. Another 16% play games on their smart phones and tablets while traveling. SponsorPay also notes that more women play mobile games than men, bucking a long standing trend in the game industry of men outnumbering women. The difference is not staggering, however, with women representing 54% of mobile gamers where men represent the remaining 53%.

Younger consumers show more engagement in mobile gaming

The majority of people that play mobile games, according to SponsorPay, are between the ages of 25 and 34. Games that are exclusive to social networking sites boast of an older fan base. Younger consumers seem to prefer their mobile devices for gaming rather than other platforms. These consumers are also likely to pay for in-game items and respond to in-game marketing efforts. The most popular mobile games among all consumers are those that have strong social elements.

Game industry continues to show interest in the mobile space

Mobile games have become a very prominent focus for the game industry lately. Most consumers that have an interest in gaming own some kind of mobile device, whether it be a smart phone or tablet. The game industry has been gearing up for a new generation of gaming with the launch of new consoles, all of which are expected to have strong mobile elements that make them appealing to those that favor mobile devices.

Mobile commerce sees dramatic rise in South Korea

Mobile Commerce South KoreaMobile commerce beginning to blend with social media

Mobile commerce has been booming in several markets around the world recently. Companies are beginning to see the major benefits of engaging mobile consumers and providing them with new ways to purchase products. South Korea has seen significant economic gain through the adoption of mobile commerce recently, especially as businesses throughout the country begin to blur the line between mobile commerce and social media. yStats, a market research and analysis firm, has released a new report concerning the growing trend of social commerce.

Report highlights mobile sales throughout 2012

According to the report, more than three quarters of the South Korean population made use of the Internet in 2012. The vast majority of these people went online to purchase products, as well as engage in social media. The report shows that in 2012, for the first time in the country’s history, more people accessed the Internet through their mobile devices than through traditional computers. Mobile sales in South Korea for the year reached over $10 billion, showing that mobile commerce has established a very strong presence within the country. yStats suggests that social commerce is becoming a very powerful trend in the South Korean market.

Social networks beginning to embrace mobile commerce

Mobile consumers are constantly engaged in social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. While these sites have typically shied away from any sort of commerce, they have been growing more interested in the prospects of mobile commerce in recent years. Facebook, for instance, has been experimenting with ways to allow users to purchase products through e-commerce platforms that can be accessed by a mobile device. Because consumers have a penchant for sharing their interests and connecting with businesses through social media, such services could be very lucrative for companies that have a strong interest in mobile commerce.

Security continues to be a significant issue for consumers

Social commerce is still in its infancy. There are many potential challenges that must be overcome before social networks can fully embrace mobile commerce on any level. One of the most daunting challenges that social media faces is security. Mobile commerce, as a whole, has been plagued by security issues that have caused many consumers to avoid using their mobile devices to purchase products. If social networks can find a way to secure the financial information of their users, mobile commerce may become much more common in the future.