Tag: Facebook

Mobile games could be powerful tools for cancer research

Mobile Games cancer researchMobile games gaining attention as possible research tools

Mobile games may soon play a profound role in cancer research. Over the past weekend, cancer researchers and developers from Google joined together to create a mobile game that was designed specifically for the research of tumor genes. This is not the first time mobile games have been used for such a purpose, but Google’s efforts have rekindled interest in the possible uses of mobile games to introduce innovative solutions to serious problems.

Cancer Research UK sets sights on mobile games

Cancer Research UK, one of the leading cancer research organizations in the United Kingdom, has announced plans to develop mobile games that are designed to accelerate the discovery of cures for various types of cancer. The organization will be teaming with Facebook and Amazon in order to see this effort come to fruition. The organization plans to have the first of its mobile games developed over the course of three days, with developers from both Facebook and Amazon creating a working prototype for the game.

Game could shed light on new solutions

Once the prototype has been completed, it will be given to a dedicated development firm that will turn it into a cross-platform game for both iOS and Android platforms. The game will likely be similar to FoldIt and Phylo, both of which essentially crowdsource research efforts concerning genetics and serious diseases. Cancer Research UK suggests that mobile games hold a great deal of potential, as they are entertaining for consumers and could shed some light on solutions that researchers may have never thought of in the first place.

Mobile games can tap into the power of the crowd

Most mobiles are firmly within the realm of entertainment, rarely used for any purpose beyond staving off boredom among consumers. Cancer Research UK suggests that the true potential of mobile games lies in crowdsourcing, pooling the collective problem solving capabilities of a populace and using this capability to overcome major challenges that have impeded research for several years.

Mobile security becoming more serious with online companies

Mobile Security onlineCompanies begin to consider mobile security a priority

Privacy has become more than a regulatory measure that online companies must wrangle with on a daily basis. As consumers begin to favor their mobile devices more, privacy has become a major concern for them, especially when it comes to mobile marketing and mobile security. Online companies are now fighting to prove that their privacy measures are much more comprehensive than those coming from their competitors, all in a bid to ensure that consumers have control over the data they share with the business world.

Mozilla takes steps to protect privacy

Many companies are adopting a very firm stance on the issue of privacy. Such is the case with Mozilla, which holds a very strong presence in the web browser market. Mozilla has announced that it will allow users of its Firefox browser to completely disable all third-party tracking methods in order to provide them with more security while online. This extends to the company’s recently unveiled mobile operating system, which could have major implications for the world of mobile marketing and mobile security.

Apple and Facebook look to improve mobile security

Mozilla is not alone in its enthusiasm concerning mobile security. Apple has begun requiring application on its popular App Store to receive permission from consumers before collecting geographic information and other data. Facebook, which has long been plagued by accusations of carelessness when it comes to privacy, has also been making moves to become more secure for users. The social network is currently working on a variety of privacy tools, one of which keeps a user’s personal data stored on a cloud network.

Government interest spurs action on mobile security

Much of the enthusiasm concerning mobile security may be due to the fact that the U.S. government is beginning to force companies to take the matter more seriously. The Federal Communications Commission recently introduced new regulations that require applications to inform their users that personal information is being collected. Demand for better privacy and mobile security measures has also been on the rise among consumers, forcing companies to take more considerations when it comes to protecting information.