
eBay sees major gains during holiday shopping weekend


eBay Holiday Shopping Mobile CommerceeBay reports mobile sales performance

eBay has experienced a very promising beginning to the holiday shopping season this year. The online retail giant has released data concerning mobile sales that were made over the Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend. This data comes from eBay itself, as well as its Marketplaces, PayPal, and GSI Commerce divisions. The company will not be providing overall sales information this year, but its mobile sales have been made publicly available, showing a strong performance for the company’s various mobile commerce initiatives.

Mobile sales up across the board

According to eBay, the company saw a 133% increase in mobile transactions in the U.S. on Thanksgiving day from what they had been in 2011. The company also saw a 153% increase in mobile volume on Black Friday over the levels it had been last year. PayPal experienced a 173% increase in global mobile payment volume on Thanksgiving day and a 193^ increase in global mobile payment volume on Black Friday. GSI Commerce experienced similar results.

Positive performance largely due to focus on mobile consumers

eBay notes that much of the success it has seen in the mobile commerce realm comes from the company’s increased focus on mobile consumers. eBay has been positioning itself to engage these consumers in an aggressive way, well before the holiday season even began. The company predicts that mobile commerce and similar services will shape this year’s holiday shopping season and any companies not focused on appealing to mobile consumers could miss out on an ideal opportunity.

Mobile commerce becoming more popular in wake of holiday shopping

There is still a lot of time left in the 2012 holiday season and eBay expects to continue seeing positive results from its mobile commerce initiatives. Other retailers have been reporting similar results from their own focus on mobile commerce. The performance of these ventures is expected to boost the popularity of mobile commerce within the retail industry, encouraging more companies to adopt platforms that allow consumers to pay for products with their mobile devices.

ScanLife sees increase in QR code performance on Black Friday


QR Code Black FridayScanLife  reports on the performance of QR codes

ScanLife, a leading mobile engagement platform, has released a new report concerning the performance of QR codes during this year’s Black Friday. Black Friday was heralded as a monumental day for mobile commerce and the day itself did not disappoint. Several retailers have reported positive gains in the wake of Black Friday, largely due to the various mobile commerce ventures they had in place for the holiday season. Though QR codes are not often linked with mobile commerce, ScanLife notes that the codes saw a great deal of positive attention on Black Friday.

Codes beginning to break away from marketing

QR codes are most often used in mobile marketing as a way to engage mobile consumers. The codes are proficient in this task, though relatively rarely used by actual consumers. Recently, QR codes have been growing in prominence in the mobile commerce space, where they are being used to provide information concerning particular products or link to an e-commerce site. Typically, the codes receive modest attention from shoppers, but were able to attract a lot of use on Black Friday.

ScanLife sees 50% increase in QR code engagement

According to ScanLife, mobile barcode scans rose over 50% higher than the daily average on Black Friday. ScanLife itself processed more than 250,000 unique scans during the shopping day, with 75% of all scans coming from QR codes rather than any other barcode. The consumer electronics and retail industries saw the most traffic through QR codes during Black Friday.

Codes could become a staple in mobile commerce

Though QR codes are often criticized for the poor engagement statistics, they served a vital role during the holiday shopping weekend. The codes helped make mobile commerce a success during Thanksgiving day and Black Friday. The performance of the codes may help encourage retailers to make use of them to further mobile commerce and shopping initiatives. The codes could also be used in virtual “pop-up” stores, where they can be scanned by consumers to purchase products.