
Magic Leap augmented reality demo draws praise and skepticism

The long awaited product demonstration has been accused of consisting of smoke and mirrors.

For a very long time, the industry has been waiting for the first Magic Leap augmented reality demonstration. There has been a great deal of secrecy surrounding the development of this brand’s technology. This has allowed the hype to build substantially over the many months.

The augmented reality demonstration has gone viral over YouTube, promising an astounding experience.

What was known about the tech under development was that Magic Leap augmented reality was going to be different from anything else out there. The company has been promising to change the way we think of AR. With such dazzling promises, it was clear that anything produced would not be on market shelves at any time soon.

This concept was only reinforced when beta testers were given access to early versions of the tech concept and were required to use a considerable amount of hardware just to make it work.

Now that Magic Leap augmented reality demonstrations have been made, the brand is facing stiff criticism.

Nobody assumed that the Magic Leap marketing would be precisely what consumers would be seeing when the hardware was produced. However, the company is now being criticized for going far overboard in their simulations. The public was promised an unbelievable experience and that’s exactly what the demo is suggesting might be the case – it’s not to be believed.

The video made to simulate what Magic Leap would have to offer included the work of a special effects firm. This set expectations very high and may make it very difficult for the brand to be able to deliver. The March 2015 viral video took in 3.5 million views. However, reports quoting former employees of the company revealed that the game illustrated in the video didn’t actually exist.

The demonstration of the current Magic Leap augmented reality experience is less than mesmerizing. As much as it is still advanced, impressive tech, it continues to rely on a large and clunky helmet that uses a number of cables to wire it to a powerful computer. The goal is to one day compress that tech to hardware that is more “spectacle-like”.

Wearable technology trends show disappointing results for smartwatches

There are now tons of options on the market and despite tech company hopes, they’re not taking off.

As the holiday shopping season truly got underway last year, many companies predicted the launch of powerful wearable technology trends. Firms were unveiling devices left, right and center to ensure they had the chance to become the next big thing.

That time brought the entrance of the Apple Watch and Samsung Gear S2, major wearable tech players.

Lenovo, LG and Huawei all stepped in with Google to use Android Wear on their offerings. Each company wanted to add their own device to the wearable technology trends. However, a year later and well into the next holiday shopping season, it’s clear that consumers aren’t impressed. At least, they’re not as impressed as tech firms thought they would be. They’re certainly not ready to pay the hefty price tags for the devices.

Many in the industry feel that wearable technology trends won’t pick up until smartwatches become more convincing.

Wearable Technology Trends - SmartwatchAccording to IDC senior research analyst Jitesh Ubrani, wearable technology companies have yet to give consumers a reason to want to buy. “A lot of what these devices can do, they’re essentially just mimicking the phone.”

As most people already have other mobile devices and certainly have a smartphone, there is little motivation to buy a smartwatch. Currently, people bring their smartphones everywhere they go. As the mobile devices are nearly always in a hand or a pocket, they are not considered inconvenient to use. Therefore, asking people to drop another few hundred dollars after already having spent several hundred on the phone seems too much for many consumers.

These unfortunate wearable technology trends have not been without their casualties. Pebble, for example, announced last week that they were shutting down. That company had been among the first smartwatch companies. It had a loyal following and was able to hold its own against the competition for quite some time. Now, faced with the Apple Watch and offerings from many other giants, even Pebble will be dissolving and selling its software to Fitbit; the leader of the fitness tracker scene.